Out Of The Past

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The Knight, Nam Chorios

Taloh continued to stare out the viewport and was trying to one day complete his search for his brother, Damir. The attack on Fortress Inquisitorius left him more impatient and he wanted to destroy the Jedi before they became a greater threat.

"Lord Matarrin," a deck officer in the sunken work pits said. "We are receiving a transmission from one of the bounty hunters on Sorgan."

"Put it through," Taloh said.

"My lord," The Mandalorian assassin said. "I found a Jedi posing as a farmer here on Sorgan."

"Compare what you saw to this image that I have transmitted," Taloh said in an optimistic tone.

"The image is a match," The Mandalorian replied.

"This is our chance," Taloh said turning to the Mandalorian.

"Thank you, Sarr Quell," Taloh said. "We will prepare to depart for Sorgan."

The Knight then jumped into hyperspace and Taloh then contacted Quell.

"Where was he last seen?" Taloh  asked checking the map of the planet.

"At his farm, my lord," Quell replied. "I also found this."

Taloh was shocked to see that Quell was holding up Damir's lightsaber.

"You have his lightsaber," Taloh said smirking inside his helmet. "Well done Quell, I will meet you on the surface shortly."


As The Knight exited hyperspace, Taloh then had his TIE Advanced v1 prepared and departed the hangar.

As he landed near Damir's farm and noticed that all of his personal belongings except his lightsaber were gone which Taloh noted that he packed up. However he was puzzled as to why he would leave his lightsaber behind. Quell then handed the lightsaber to him.

"Well done Quell," Taloh said taking the lightsaber.

"He was on a speeder towards the Common House," Quell said as he grabbed his blaster rifle.

"We'll send a squad to the Common House," Taloh said as he reached out through the Force. "He won't escape me this time."

He then left the lightsaber at the house since he wanted Damir to fight him once again in a rematch.


Damir was about to leave for The First Light to start the job, however several stormtroopers have arrived and started to interrogate the citizens. Damir tried to leave and make way for the yacht but was ambushed by Quell with his blaster rifle pointed at him.

"Trying to escape Jedi?" Quell asked taunting him.

Damir then heard loud footsteps and got louder after each step. Damir became so shocked to find out that his brother turned Sith Acolyte has survived their duel and attempting to exact revenge.

"We meet again at last Damir," Taloh said with a snarl.

"It can't be you," Damir said in a surprised tone. "It's true. You are the Dragon of the Zakuul."

"We could have served The Emperor together, Damir!" Taloh roared. "But you, chose to remain with The treasonous Jedi Order and for what? To watch them burn? Now, you suffer the same fate as I have!"

Taloh then ignited his silver and black lightsaber with a clawed emitter. The blood red blade then lit the Common House as Damir tried to open fire on his fallen brother. Taloh then deflected the shots and the squad of stormtroopers stood next to Taloh as he pointed the lightsaber at Damir. Taloh swung his lightsaber at Damir and tried to blast him and Taloh deflected the blaster bolts again and Damir began to retreat.

Suddenly, several Crimson Dawn hylobon enforcers arrived and began to open fire on the Imperials. Damir then scurried near the ship and the enforcers escorted him to The First Light. Taloh then watched them escape and deactivated his lightsaber.

"Intercept that yacht," Taloh said with a snarl. "Have our fighters on standby."

Tie pilots scurried to their fighters and prepared to launch. The Knight then chased The First Light blasting it with light turbolasers. The Crimson Dawn yacht then fired a countermeasure at the tractor beam projector and jumped into hyperspace with Damir aboard.

"Sir," The stormtrooper commander said. "They have escaped."

"Prepare my shuttle and get me in touch with Grand Moff Tarkin," Taloh said clenching his fists and marched out of the Common House. "This fight is not over. I will prevail."

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