"Let's go to the beach or town or something else."

We had lunch next period so we decided just to skip this period which was 60 minutes long plus another period which was like 40 minutes long.

As we exited the school gates, we saw a bus drive right by our school.

"RUN AFTER THE BUS!" Victoria shouted at me, starting to run.

"OK!" I yelled, sprinting after the bus.

As we reached the bus which was still driving, we started to pound on the doors, and the bus came to a fast halt. Out of breath, we stopped and the doors opened. We stumbled inside, and all of the passengers were staring at us. Victoria and I just stared at each other and started laughing.

I pressed the red stop button on the support poles, and the bus stopped in the center of town. Victoria and I hopped off the bus and walked into a boutique. We looked at clothes for a bit and purchased some sunglasses.

"Im hungry." I groaned, setting down 2 small paper bags filled with clothes and accessories.

"Same," Victoria grumbled.

"Wanna get salads?" She added on.


As we were walking toward a salad food truck, my phone dinged, and I checked who it was from.


Text Message

Today 12:36 PM

Where are u?

Ik I saw u at school

Am I going crazy?

No, I skipped w victoria

Yeah, Diego was asking where she was

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Yeah, Diego was asking where she was

nice photo

we skipped during my study hall

had nothing better to do tbh

Diego wants to come btw

can he?

sure idgaf

wait r u coming

nah prolly not

what, why

𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞~𝐉𝐨ã𝐨 𝐅é𝐥𝐢𝐱Where stories live. Discover now