The other bullets aren't dead. Hyun isn't dead. I crawl up from the ground as the man approaches me. Why aren't they helping me? I can't move my dominant arm to fully protect myself. I never learned how to write with my left hand let alone shoot with it. With the gun aimed at my assailant's head, I bluff. My hand is so shaky. He stops for two seconds and keeps approaching me. I shoot the air behind him twice before he feels something.

It's not from me. Kimori shoots him in the knee, then the other one. It's enough to cause a collapse, and enough to get him to stay steady enough for the headshot that follows. Kimori takes one look at me and winces.

"I need to get you to Von," he says as he touches me. "How did you get separated? What happened to the buddy system?"

I place my hand on his chest when he helps me up. Now isn't the time to be having sex flashbacks but my entire life has been flashing before my eyes this whole battle. As we duck through gunfire, Kimori's stronghold guides me like always. He puts my needs above his own, always the most selfless lover.

"Your arm," Kimori urges me.

"Something's wrong with it. I can't even raise it," I admit. This battle is over for me.

Von is at least used to carrying me though he's going to be pissed when he sees the trouble I got myself into. There are too many people coming after both of us. It's impossible for me to stick beside him. I know I have bruises forming under my shirt and I'm swelling up. This is a death mission. I can't defend myself so I'm deadweight.

A bullet whizzes between Kimori and me and he drops me. He quickly fires at the source but it's obvious we're outnumbered. Gunfire ricochets in all directions, bouncing off concrete and cars. The shots keep raining even as Kimori takes a couple of guys out. The pillar I've ducked behind chips away with every blast it takes.

Finally, a bullet helps Kimori and starts firing as well. If I were alone they would've left me for dead. I hear Von before I see him which is a rarity in itself. It explains the extra backup.

"Talk to me, Mia!" Von commands. His back is to me as he stares straight at the people he's shooting.

I don't know what's wrong with me. I felt this way when I dragged my dad's body out of our home. My shoulder slanted just like this and it hurt just like this.

"I can't move it," I admit. "It's dislocated."

That quite literally triggers him. He goes ballistic. He pulls out a second gun and cuts the other gang's numbers by two-thirds. I watch as a bullet grazes a hole through the leather over his shoulder. That's the last shot I hear from the other side. Von shoots his gun so much it clicks twice from being out of ammo. He drops it, slides it to me without looking and I take it without question.

"Reload," Von says. "Don't do anything else."

Using my non-dominant hand I take the bullets from my gun and place them in his.

"You two wrap things up with everyone else. We're done for now." Von fills his role as the leader by making demands.

The bullet, a brolic brown-skinned guy, mumbles something under his breath.

"Can you use your outside voice? I can't fucking hear you," Von says.

"We've lost a lot of people already," he speaks up on command. "We have to keep going now. We can't stop for one girl."

Von raises his gun at him. "I still can't fucking hear you."

Von hates when lower members of the gang look at me. He kills them when they touch me. I'd expect no less of a reaction to them talking down on me.

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