Zyler could smell the scent on her, so incredibly seductive. Her incense burned his soul, a thirst that he could never quench, not even if he drank all of her ultimately. "My sweet girl," his deep voice did something to her. It was scary and velvety at the same time. If it were under a different circumstance, she would've felt something, but right now, she could only feel his sinister laughter before he took her life. Her mind painted pictures of him laughing while he choked her. Adrenaline was pumping in her blood, and she was wide awake, feeling the assault on her body.

What should she do? Should she tell him she was awake, but would that ruin her life? Would he retaliate and hurt her? So many thoughts were running through her head. She was seething at the same time. She didn't like that he was touching and kissing her, and the fact that he thought he could break in and do anything he wanted enraged her. She didn't like that someone was making her feel useless in her own house.

He rubbed his tongue, soothing the bite on her thigh, "what is he?" she wondered. Why was he biting her? Humans don't bite humans. Was he a ghost? Or worse, a demon? Didn't the movie insidious tell that humans astral project and ghouls come out from another dimension? Was he human or supernatural? Was she alive or dreaming? She couldn't tell. She felt vulnerable. She didn't like that she was going crazy. This is not a dream, is it? She could feel a chunk of her skin under his teeth. He was biting, nibbling, licking, eating her skin. What is he doing? Autumn's heart sobbed at the assault.

Zyler gazed at her with longing eyes. She was an enchanting beauty. Elevating on his knees, he settled on either side of her body. He noticed how she was hugging that puppy. The need to strangle that dog coursed through his body. That is his place, his sanctity. How dare she bring someone into it? How dare she let something that is not remotely human touch her that way.

He will punish her for it. Bending down, he blew a breath on her cheeks. Autumn felt it, please lord, I haven't been that bad, have I? why are you punishing me then? Then his gaze moved onto the place where the dog was hiding. So fucking beautiful, like two beautiful pillows, the wretched thing rested on her chest. Happy and content, jealousy burned him like a wild forest fire. How lucky is that dog?

He traced his knuckles on her cheek. So fucking beautiful. Her beauty ignited his raw need, his primal desires. Lustful fires consumed his heart. With one look at her body, he was gone. His eyes moved to her heaving chest, she was breathing hard, and he thought it was due to the heat in the house. Little did he know, it was due to his presence.

He watched her every breath and every move with an unrelenting gaze. He didn't know what this tiny woman was doing to his heart and dick. She was small, so small he could crush her entire being under him while she struggled to accommodate him. Oh! What an arousing thought to fuck her and make her his.

Autumn waited for him to leave, but the man did not move. Instead, he bent closer and placed a kiss on her earlobe, and she cringed under him. She could tell he was huge by his figure shadowing her. As he came closer, her heart pounded in her chest like a drum, and her breaths came in short, ragged gasps. Every muscle in her body was tensed, and her mind raced, constantly fearing for her life.

The fear was overwhelming, a crushing weight that threatened to consume her at any moment. She couldn't shake the feeling that I was being hunted, pursued by something that meant her harm. The adrenaline coursing through her veins kept her alive, but it also made her feel like she was in a dream, where every step was an effort and every breath a struggle.

He was bigger and stronger than her. His tongue rolled in her ear. Is he a dog? Or does he like human meat? Jeffery Dahmer, is that you? Or is it your ghost? Why lord? Why send serial killers to me? Is it because I joked that I would like to meet one? Please, lord, don't. I don't like to be a human burger. That would be really bad. I am only 20. I don't want to die. She chanted in her head.

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