Chapter 1: The Third Son

Start from the beginning

Erik nods in acknowledgement before looking to his father.

"What is it you wish to discuss father?" Erik questions.

"You've heard of the Hell Spawn incursion east of us yes?" Erik nods in response. "Me, your uncle and eldest brothers will ride for Fort Graken in the morning, you will be serving in my stead while I'm away."

Erik's eyes widen hearing this.

"What!? I'm no ruler, why in the Creator's name have you chosen me?" Erik asks clearly frustrated by this.

His eldest brother Roylen furrows his brows hearing his brother whine.

"You will do what father has asked of you, regardless of your feelings towards it." Roylen sternly states walking up to Erik.

"I wasn't speaking to you Roy." Erik growls out in anger with the two exchanging glares.

Their father Nolen gets between the two with fierce eyes that discourage them from speaking up.

"I choose you cause your eldest brothers already know how to rule, you could use the experience as you'll have land of your own to rule one day." Nolen expresses as Erik can see the logic behind it.

"But I-" Erik tries pleading.

A soldier however interrupts this telling Nolen that the Wolf Commander has arrived early.

"Really? See her in." Nolen orders as a woman in plated armor is led inside.

She has grey hair tied back into a bun as she gazes around the main hall with her blue eyes.

"Wolf Commander Bailey, I wasn't expecting you till tomorrow." Nolen greets while shaking hands with her.

"I hauled arse as the dwarves would say, it has been awhile since I've been in your castle. But in truth I'm looking for those worthy of joining my order." Bailey replies cordially.

"Brother you never mentioned the Commander would be joining us." Trevon states worryingly.

Erik is genuinely surprised as well, granted he never really pays any mind to the letters that come through.

"I figured that would've been obvious, given the circumstances, Erik would you be soo kind to see to the Commander's request of a worthy candidate, I imagine ser Garron will be her choice."

Bailey chuckles somewhat to herself.

"If I may be soo bold, your sons would make great candidates." Bailey points out as a compliment.

Erik and Roylen raise their brows while exchanging glances.

"Forgive me for the disrespect but these are my sons we're talking about." Nolen states rather defensively.

"Isn't joining the Wolves considered a great honor father?" Erik questions when Roylen gets his attention.

"Any member of a family like ours loses all claims and titles when they join the wolves, it's potentially disastrous." Roylen explains.

"Precisely my point and I don't wanna risk my family's position with the current circumstances, unless you plan to invoke The Right to Conscript?"

Bailey looks at her old friend seeing his worry.

"Have no fear old friend, while my order is in need of great recruits? I don't plan to force the issue." Bailey assures.

"Erik would you be soo kind to lead the Commander to the guest room?" Nolen asks as Erik nods walking with Bailey.

Erik is in thought of what to say to the Commander.

"So what's it like? Being in the Wolves I mean." Erik asks curiously.

Origin Of Legends: Wolves Of WarWhere stories live. Discover now