The real chapter 8! High School!

Start from the beginning

First day of high school was exciting, none the less. It started with homeroom and then we'd start classes. Which my first class was in the theatre. The theatre teacher always had Kringle and used to bring it for us. He was very cool. All throughout high school I asked about the Kringle 😂 I don't think he could ever forget me from that alone... I don't really think if you met me, you could forget me regardless. I'm not one of those people you meet and forget right away. Quite the opposite. You meet me, spend time with me, I promise we had at least one crazy adventure you will NEVER forget. Good or bad. >.>. I like to do things and go places and see things! I don't really sit still long. Especially back then.

Ziona and Alen were my closest friends in my homeroom. I spent most of my time with those guys from there. Ziona was an artist and always drew the coolest things, she helped teach me new ways to draw and I will never forget that. She liked to dress in mainly black, like me at that time, and had a passion for clowns like me. Alen was a very optimistic guy that (OMG I DIDNT SAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO HIM THIS LAST NOVEMBER! Special shout out to Alen and his birthday at the end of November last year... 😆 it's tradition... I was off Facebook by then and honestly forgot, don't hate me buddy! 😂 I'm sure you won't.) Alen dated LeAng LeAng briefly and had thing for Ann. He was also a cheerleader and had lots of friends. Of those friends, I would soon discover my twin flame... and one of his besties... Moon... not until right before sophmore year, though...

For most of Freshman year I would meet Ann and she would later leave to case that year. Ann would date Bob and I wouldn't see Ann again until after high school. But Ann was the first person to help me through my first day at school. She guides me to the lunch line and showed me around. Park was SO MUCH bigger than WLS. I needed direction. 😂 I would get her Aim and we would chat all the time on there still.

Ziona was also in my first lunch hour (before I switched to Seo's and Miguel's...) I just sat there talking shit with her friends and making friends with them. That first day was a bit of a blur, but I adapted like no one's business. I was very outspoken and apparently poked people a lot... people would try to test me and pick on me, but I wouldn't let them. One day someone came up to me and told me I had to move because I was white. I was like "first and foremost I'm not fully white, and I have no intention of leaving this spot." They then mentioned the struggles of their ancestors, where I began to proceed, "my ancestors too had struggles, I'm Jewish and I understand what you are speaking of, but I am not my ancestors and I decide my future. We choose what to make out of our lives. People can put us down and tell us we can't, but we decide if we can or can't and it has nothing to do with who our families are or were. It's about about who we are and who we become!" (Truth was I wasn't just white, I was Asian and Native, too... but that wasn't the point I was making... just because I appear white, doesn't mean that's all I am... and it's just a vessel I reside in. My soul is who I truly am. This vessel doesn't make me, I do.) I somehow became friends with these same people and never was picked on again in high school aside from one time with my pants because I wore two pants and I said I'm starting a trend and it looks cool. Shortly after that, I saw other chicks doing it, too. 🤷🏻‍♀️ But truth was, I never saw people based on their outter appearance. I see them as the person they are. Based on their personality, and that's normally how I would develop crushes on people, that and that alone. (To tell you the truth, I'm slightly color blind, too... in a literal sense... colors blend together a lot for me) when thinking about this is brings up something I was taught, if you were to close your eyes and love the life of a blind person and walk around not seeing what people looked like, but hearing it, feeling it, you would view things way differently. Imagine doing this, and you just hear these things, but honestly having no clue what anyone looked like. You would not know who was what. You would just know the person. Next time you are listening to someone, close your eyes, take a deep breath and just listen to them... what do you hear? You will hear the tone of their voice. You will hear whether they are nervous, happy, or sad. You will start viewing them in a different light. And you start to see them for who they really are. If we take off our masks, what does that make us? Vulnerable. Sorry most won't agree with me, and that's fine, you don't have to. We are all human and have our own ideas and opinions of things. That is what makes us so awesome. All so unique and beautiful in our own ways. But it's important to be open and try to see others perspectives. Sometimes we will alter how we feel based on a perspective we had never thought of before, but sometimes we will stand true to what we believe. I promise you what I believe can be different than the next, and I promise you going through these books, you won't agree with everything I do or choose to do. But I have no regrets and I learned something and grew from every experience.

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