The real chapter 8! High School!

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High School! One of my favorite times in my life, and  the place where I would meet my lifetime friends...

Park was so much different than WLS. WLS had like 15 people in each class (like per grade) and that was it. You basically were stuck with these same people from K-8th grade... how fun right? Not really... 😆 When I entered high school, only two of those people I knew went there with me. Bert and Kevin. Kevin we all, already knew. Bert was a guy that liked me and actually asked me out in like... 8th grade? But after Franklin and Nich, I was like, nah I'm good. I didn't want to just go out with people because they liked me anymore... he actually started going out with another chick Sammy after that. One of Jules best friends. Like I said in 8th grade basically everyone dated everyone... Kelvin was with Jules, shit I can't remember the other couples, I didn't care. They could date whoever they wanted, I just knew I wasn't going to see any of them the next year anyway. And thank God! The guys were no longer fun to hang out with because their women had them basically whipped... and I wasn't about that noise. If you can't be yourself, why be in it at all? Idk...

But seeing Kevin again was a dose of fresh air. I finally had my TJ to my Spanelli back. I don't really have a crush on him anymore, but it was good seeing him in the halls and catching up when we did. Bert I would say hi to a lot. Pretty much because I knew it annoyed him. 😂 Kevin and Bert were actually on the High School soccer team together. It suited them. Well, definitely Kevin, that was like his best sport and the one he was most passionate about. But there was no sport Kevin, couldn't do.

I decided once I got to high school I wouldn't do sports anymore. I was done with that scene, I wanted to just have a good time and spend time with my soon to be new friends. Though, I did keep busy with theatre stuff and anime club, too.

I was super excited, though, Petri, my cus through  Rae, went there and we grew up together over at Rae's grandmas house (not our mutual grandma) and when I'd spend time with Rae's sisters and brother. (Joseline was also her sister who was my age. Rae is actually 8 years older than me, but had always been like my closest friend, too. We were basically sisters ourselves, so we called each other that and her sisters and brother also called me that.) so her cousins were my cousins! 😂 Though that one cute cousin Eli I could never call my cousin... plus he could be quite the dick at times with Petris younger brother. I hated how they treated Rae's kids at times and called them out on it... I was always looking out for those kids... they were my family... petris brother would eventually become way better and get really close with them as he got older, basically once he hit high school. I didn't really see much of Eli after 8th grade, so couldn't tell ya if he's cool with them now or not... 🤷🏻‍♀️)

Seo was at park, and I was super excited about that! We became really close the year before high school and we're becoming inseparable and spent a lot of time together. We would meet up to walk to school together every day our freshman year and after school go to Osco Drug and get a candy bar and other snacks and sit in the side and eat on the steps. It was encouraging knowing we would be there together and I would have one of my best friends with me. I would end up using her locker along with mine throughout high school because my damn locker was broken... everyone else in my home rooms lockers were fine, not mine.  But it's cool. My home room teacher was cool with it. She was also my Spanish teacher. And my Spanish class, oh God... no one would forget me from my Spanish class... we will just put it that way... I had rummy in front of me and Wayne behind me (Wayne was from youth group and dated Carole) so I knew these nuggets already. And I met my soul sister, Kelly. (I used your old last name and I assure you I know how to spell your real name and knew from day one of Spanish class!! 😆 How many people do we know with your first name? Exactly! Not many... I hope that's ok... if not I'll go correct this later... for you I'd stop the world! ❤️ we have a strange relationship... don't judge us...) also where I met Laura (reminder to those that don't know, I change your names, ever so briefly, so you know it's you, but others won't put two and two together...) she was in my home room too, I think.

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