Meeting Chaos ★

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It was chaos at the world meeting. Pure chaos.

UK and France were having a argument, Russia and Ukraine were fighting with others encouraging them, the Nordics were being the Nordics, Canada was drinking maple syrup (and spilling it everywhere), China was writing "Made in China" on every single thing he could find, Italy was eating pasta, and Germany was trying to calm everyone down.

This was a "usual" meeting, if you've ever attended one of these before.
"SILENCE!" Germany, or Ludwig yelled, banging his fist on the desk.

The room quieted, everyone froze in place.

Okay, maybe that was a bit too loud.
"This is supposed to be a world meeting, not a circus!" He sighed. "Does anyone have any ideas or things they are working on that they'd like to present?"
Dead silence filled the room. The meetings happened so often, that news would be presented right away, and then it would erupt into chaos.

"Anything? Anything at all?" Ludwig asked again.

"I bet if we had more countries, we would have some news." Mumbled the UK's personification, Arthur.

"There's already over 100 countries in the world! Maybe if we had the world's biggest superpower, we would have something to discuss." Grumbled Ivan, personification for Russia.

"I thought you hated him?" Asked France, concerned.

"They'd serve as a good fighting person. Everyone in this room is too small or weak!" Ivan said.

"That's cause you ARE the biggest country." Ukraine said in an annoyed tone silently.

"Be quiet!" Ludwig yelled. "We're getting absolutely nowhere with this argument. We'll find the personification for the US one day, but we don't have to complain about it during every single meeting. Otherwise, does anyone have any news about the country?"

Most eyes turned towards the North American countries.

"Hm... I'm pretty sure they're working on some type of military tank." Matthew said nervously, knowing this would strike up conflict.

"Always working on their military, aren't they?" Arthur rolled his eyes.

"Can you tell us more about it?" Lidwig asked, ignoring the Brit's comment.

"I don't know much. I've just heard about it on their news and seen some of the testing." Matthew said.

"Is it powerful?" Ivan asked, annoyed.
"I'm not sure... but I bet it will be." Matthew responded, despite the tone in Ivan's voice.

The nations just looked at each other silently. Some type of discussion about what happens in America always pops up in the meetings, but they still haven't found the person who represents the superpower.

"Okay. Any news about... well, anything?" Ludwig asked another question. He kind of led these meetings, since he seemed like the calmest country who could do so.

The room got silent. It was 21st century, not much was happening after experiencing a global pandemic (okay. There were a lot of things happening... but I'm too lazy to write about them.)

Suddenly, the noise of a chopper or helicopter was audible outside towards the left. And it sounded close. Dangerously close.

Some of the countries rushed towards the large windows on the left side of the room to see what was happening. It was a cloudy day, but a green, military chopper was easy to see within the clouds. With a very familiar flag on it.
"Bloody hell! What have the Americans gotten into this time?!" Arthur yelled.

"There seems to be only one chopper- I don't think they're in war, but rather, looking for someone." Ludwig said, taking in the details.

As the chopper went out of sight, there was a loud shatter of glass breaking, followed with a large crash coming from the other side of the room.

Quickly swirling around, the countries saw a sandy blonde teenager couching, surrounded by the glass shards and peices from the window.

Looking up at the countries, the teen thought, "Oh shit, I didn't think I'd die this young."

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I wrote this a month ago and I'll slowly be publishing chapters.
670+ words, let's go!

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