Chapter Nineteen

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|Song: Begin Again-Taylor Swift|

It's been over one year since I met Jade. We have recently claimed the title "BoyFriend/GirlFriend", three months to be exact on how long we've been official. She knows everything about what has happened before that horrific incodent when I was fifteen and after it.

She has not judged me for what happened and everything I have told her, but there will always be these thoughts in the back of my mind that she will betray me because James isn't the only mentally disabled person that Jade knows.

Speaking of James, he and I have resently reunited. My dad got custody over him after we exposed his mother for the abuse she put James through. Jade, James, and I were ecstatic over that news.


My phone rings as I am working on my song for Jade. Setting everything aside, I answer the call after noticing Shaelyn's name flashing across the screen. "Hello?" I answer.

"Niall, what was James diagnosed with when he was younger?" She asks, not even properly greeting me.

"Autism, why?"

"I thought that's what you had said... Anyway, it's not important why... I'll see you later, bye!" She hangs up, not giving me the chance to even say goodbye.


Jade and James walk into my room with James' things in hand. "What's going on?" I ask, sitting up on my bed.

Just as Jade opens her mouth to speak, my dad walks in with a paper in hand. "Niall, I think you're going to want to read this." He says with a wide grin as he hands me the paper.

I look over it, not paying much attention until I see it. Written in bold it says:

James Sullivan is now under the gardianship of Bobby Horan.

"Are you serious? This isn't just some joke?" I ask, gaping at the three of them.

James shakes his head and giggles before rushing over to me and hugging me tightly. I hug him back just as tight and look at Jade. "Surprise?" She says softly.

Tears fill my eyes as I nuzzle my nose into his hair.

***End FlashBack***

"C'mon, Ni, it's time to get going to your audition!" James giggles as Jade wraps her arms around me, effectively pulling me from my revery.

I grab my jacket and Jade's hand before leading them out the door of my dad's house and to the car.

Together, we all go to the X-Factor building where I could get my chance to follow my dreams.

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