Chapter Six

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|Song: Brave-Sara Bareilles|

"Niall, would you come up and open up for us this month?" Mr. Callaghan asks.

I sit silent once again. He just doesn't know when to give up. Every month for the past three months he has been trying to get me to open up for the class. Every day he has been trying to get me to speak, sing, or even move, but I do not.

"God dammit, Niall!" He shouts as he slams his fist against his desk. "You have been unresponsive for three months now! Do you plan on staying mute forever?"

Again, I sit unmoving while those around me jump at his harsh attitude and turn to stare at me. I stare ahead of myself. No words, no movements, nothing but slow breathing leaves my body.

Mr. Callaghan sighs before calling on another student, one that I have not seen before. Maybe she's new? That answer I do not know. However, I do know she is intriguing.

When she picks up the guitar, the very same one I used all the times I played in this room, out of all the others, I visibly tense. No one has dared to touch it since the day I practically claimed it, the day I fell in love with it.

Mr. Callaghan smirks at her as the students start to mutter things about me and how she must be crazy to do such a thing. He knows my thoughts. He knows the relationship I have-well had-with that guitar. I grit my teeth to keep back snide remarks.

While she begins to play, I notice the awkward way she is holding the guitar and immediately feel bad. She doesn't deserve my lashing because she isn't the reason for my misery. I am.

The door opens and in comes Miss MacCarthy. Mr. Callaghan glances at the girl before walking over to Miss MacCarthy. As they speak quietly, I hear the stuttering of a meek voice. The girl has began to sing, or attempt to, she's too quiet to really tell how she sounds.

People around me start snickering and chatting quietly about her. I remain silent. She messes up the words to the song she is singing, and people begin to laugh. Tears spring into her eyes, and she puts the guitar back onto the stand quickly. I glance at Mr. Callaghan, but he is busy with Miss MacCarthy.

"Enough! She has done nothing to you. Laughing at me is one thing because I deserve it, but you will not do that to her. My high school years have been a living hell, but not hers. Laugh at me but not her!" I shout and startle the entire class, including Mr. Callaghan.

I wait for a laugh or tease from the class around me, but it never comes. In fact, it's the exact opposite. Mr. Callaghan begins to applaud me, Miss MacCarthy following close behind.

"Never thought I'd hear you speak again! Especially like that!" Mr. Callaghan says with a grin.

I roll my eyes and mumble while sitting back in my seat, "Don't get used to it because it won't happen again."

For the rest of the day, I remain silent.

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