Chapter Ten

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|Song: Iris-Goo Goo Dolls|

Four months have passed since Jade found out about my self-harm. She has tried hard to get me to quit, but then what would I do? I can't talk to anyone in fear of them spouting out my secrets to anyone walking by. Granted, Jade has definitely stolen my heart, I can't make that next step into opening up. Not until she proves to me that she won't hurt me more so than what I can do to myself.

"Earth to Niall" she giggles while playfully patting my cheeks.

In retaliation, I grab both her hands with one of mine and use the other to tickle her. She squeals and squirms, but I do not stop. "S-stop!" She sputters out between giggles.

My fingers slow against her side until they remain unmoving and her giggles subside. I bite my lip lightly while glancing at hers. As I feel myself leaning in, I quickly but subtly change my course to whisper in her ear. "I do believe I won that match, Darlin'." I tease.

Her breath hitches in her throat before she lets out a sigh. "Only because I let you" she taunts back before leaning closer to me.

Just as I think she is going to kiss me and my eyes close slowly, she wraps her arms around my neck and brushes one hand up through my hair. She grips at my hair firmly and tugs harshly to pull me away from her. "Oi, what are ya doin'?" I nearly jump out of my skin as Greg's voice sounds not to far behind me.

Jade giggles and smirks at me before standing up. As she does so, she pulls my hair until I am looking up at her. "I win, Horan." She kisses two of her fingers before pressing them against my cheek and winking before releasing my hair and walking away. "Bye, Greg!" She calls behind her as she glances over her shoulder.

Greg laughs, "She's got you wrapped around her finger!"

I groan in return, "I know. It's both exciting and agrivating."

I continue to sit on the bench in front of my house for a bit longer, well aware that Greg is still standing off somewhere behind me and staring at me. I turn my head toward him as he speaks, "Dad and I are happy that you've found someone that makes you happy again... I never thought I'd see you smile again, honestly."

"Do you hate me?" I ask quietly, afraid of the answer.

"No, Niall, neither Dad nor I hate you... We're just worried s'all."

I let out a relieved breath and look at my lap. "I'm gonna give Mum a call... I haven't talked to her since right after all of... Well ya know what I'm talking about."

He nods before walking closer to me and hugging me. I hug him back for the first time in a while. After we pull away from our hug, I walk inside and grab the landline, far too lazy to walk upstairs to get my mobile. I dial my mum's number and wait as it rings.

Finally, someone answers but it isn't my mum. "Hello?" A gruff and annoyed male voice answers.

"Uh, yeah, hello. This is Niall Horan, I'm looking for me mum, Maura Horan? I must have gotten the wrong number, I'm so sorry, Sir."

Before I can hang up to re-dial, he speaks up again. "No, Maura is here, but she's busy at the moment. So, don't call again, yeah?" He snarls.

"O-okay... Sorry to bother you."

I hang up and look at the ceiling before closing my eyes. I let out a slow breath in an attempt to calm myself before going to find my dad to find out more about this mystery man.

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