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They are able to get God's Eye. Then they go back to Safar's garage. Mr Nobody is already there waiting for them. Next they go after Deckard Shaw but it's a setup. And Me Nobody is shot.


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"I'm all for winging it, but this is crazy man," Rome complained as the team looks out at the city of Los Angeles. "We got mercenaries with some real heat on us. I mean, I ain't scared or nothing, but...man, I don't even have a gun.
"Gun?" Dom asks as he looks at Rome. "We got a whole city."
"And we may have more than that. If they use God's Eye, it'll tap the cameras around town to find our location. Which means we can plant a virus," Tej explains causing Ramsey to nod in agreement.
"And then break in when they access it," Ramsey says in agreement. "So you're talking about hacking my hacking device. It's brilliant."
"Yeah, but there's one problem," Tej says with a sigh. "The signal strength. We can't start a hack on them until they're within a two mile range."
"That's really close," Letty states as she looks at Tej.
"Close?" Rome asks her in panic. "These guys are military. If they're within two miles of us, we're already dead. I don't know about y'all, but I didn't really plan on dying today."
"Only one way to stay alive," Brian suggests. "We play keep away with Ramsey."
"What?" Ramsey asks confused.
"They can't hit us if we keep moving," Brian explains.
"And I'll take Shaw," Jameson tells them as he steps forward.
"So, basically, we're just gearing up for a big game of hot potato, huh?" Tej asks causing Ramsey to look at him confused.
"Which car is the potato?" Ramsey asks him.
"Girl, you're the potato," Rome answered her as Letty walks over to Jameson.
"Why does it feel like I'm not gonna see you again?" Letty asks causing Jameson to look at her. Jameson takes off the cross necklace before putting it around her neck.
"I'll come back for that," Jameson tells her as Letty looks at the necklace.

Jameson goes back to the Toretto house and into the garage. Jameson uncovers his Pontiac Firebird. "One last ride," Jameson says as he looks at the car. Jameson pulls a shotgun out of the trunk of the car before sawing off the barrel. He also saws off the stock before loading the gun.

They all get into their positions. When Shaw and the mercenaries get ready also. Jameson and Shaw go to an mostly empty parking garage.

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