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After arriving to the race that night, Hannah sees Dom with his arms around two blonde racer chasers.
"Rowrrrr...I smell," Hannah says as she walks over to Dom with Jameson and Letty before she sniffs the air. "Skanks."
"Why don't you girls pack it up, before I leave tread marks on your face?" Letty said in her friends defense as Jameson smiles as the girls quickly walk away.
"Hannah, Letty, I was just talking," Dom tries to explain as Jameson rolls his eyes at his brother's cluelessness.
"Yeah, whatever," Hannah says as she walks to stand beside Dom before he wraps an arm around her.
"Okay, Hector," Jameson spoke up as the man walks over to them.
"Yeah? What's up, bro?" Hector asks as he shakes Jameson's hand.
"Yo. What's up?" Edwin says as he walks over to them. "How are we doing this tonight?"
"One race. $2,000 buy-in. Winner takes all," Dom answered him as he looks at Jameson, who nods in agreement.
"Hector, you're going to hold the cash," Jameson tells him as he hands his cash to Hector before Dom hands over his cash.
"Why Hector?" Danny asks as he and Edwin hand their cash to Hector.
"Cause he's too slow to make away with the money," Edwin says causing the crowd to 'ohhhh'.
"Okay. Good luck, guys," Jameson said before they are interrupted.
"Hey, wait. Hold up," Brian says as he walks up to them. "I don't have any cash. But I do have the pink slip to my car."
"You just can't climb in the ring Ali, cause you think you can box," Jesse tells him with a smirk.
"He knows I can box," explained Brian as he points at Vince, earning a glare. "Check it out. It's like this. I lose, the winner takes my car. Clean and clear. But if I win, I take the cash, and I take the respect."
"Respect?" Dom asks as the crowd laughs.
"To some people, that's more important," Brian told him as he glances at Mia. Jameson smirks as he sees the dreamy look in his sister's eyes.
"That your car?" Dom questions before they all walk over to it.
"I see a cool air intake. It's got a NOS fogger system and aT4 turbo, Dominic," Jesse lists as he looked under the hood. "I see an AIC controller. It has direct port nitrous injection."
"Yeah. And a stand-alone fuel management system. Not a bad way to spend $10,000," Hannah says with respect as Dom wraps an arm back around her.
"You see that shit? He's got enough NOS in there to blow himself up. Period," Edwin adds as he also takes a look.
"So, what do you say? Am I worthy?" Brian asked with a smile before everyone looked at Jameson and Dom.
"We don't know yet. But you're in. Let's go," Jameson answers before he and Letty walk over to his car.

"Give them hell," Letty tells him with a smirk.
"Oh, you know I will," Jameson replies with a wink. All the drivers pull up to the starting line before Brian drives over the line, having to back up. Jameson shakes his head with a smile as he remembers his first major race nerves.
"Let's race!" Hector says as he gets the all clear from Leon. "Go!" Jameson easily takes the lead with the others trailing behind him.
"Don't make it too easy for me boys," Jameson said with a smirk before Brian hits his NOS, causing him to pass Dom as he he starts to catch up to Jameson. "Too soon, Buster." Jameson hits his NOS, keeping the lead before he arrives back first, followed by Dom, Edwin, and Danny but no Brian.
"Here's what you won, right here. There you go," Hector said as he handed the money and pink slip to Jameson as the crowd cheered for him. "You were racing a bunch of skateboards. Know what I mean?"
"My sister holds the money. Count it," Jameson says as he walks over to the team before handing Mia the money. He turns to Letty before wrapping an arm around her. "And I think I found my trophy."
"Congrats," Dom said, hugging his brother as Brian shows up.
"Was that fun?" Jesse asks as he walks over to the smoking car. The others gather around as Jesse opens the hood and smoke goes everywhere.
"What are you smiling about?" Jameson asks as he notices Brian smiling and shaking his head.
"Dude. I almost had you," Brian explains pointing at Jameson causing the crowd to laugh.
"You almost had me?" Jameson asked him sarcastically. "You never had me. You never had your car. Granny-shifting. Not double-clutching, like you should. You're lucky that 100-shot of NOS didn't blow the welds on the intake. Almost had me?" The crowd cheering him on. "You tell him, Jameson. Get out of here," the crowd shouted as Jameson stood beside Dom as he crossed his arms over his chest.
"Now me, Dom, and the mad scientist got to rip apart the block and replace the piston rings you fried. Ask any racer. Any real racer," Jameson said before pointing to Dom.
"It doesn't matter if you win by an inch or a mile. Winning's winning," Dom finished as Jesse lowers the hood of the car while the crowd cheered.
"Oh, shit! We got cops. Cops! Cops! Cops! Go!" Leon yells from where he was sitting in his car. The crowd then quickly takes off running. Jameson watched as Mia gets in the car with Letty before getting in his own and following after his brother. Jameson and Dom quickly pulled into a parking garage where they stash their cars before heading outside. They are walking down the street before a cop car passes them and quickly turns around.
"Toretto's, stop right there!" The cop says over the speaker. Jameson and Dom share a quick nod before they take off running. "Toretto's!" They are running down an alley when a familiar green car pulls up beside them.
"Get in!" Brian shouted from the driver's seat before Jameson quickly opened the door and allows Dom to climb into the back before getting in. Brian gets back onto the main strip causing the cop to be taken out by another car. Two cop cars start heading their way before trying to make a road block but Brian just weaves through them.
"You're the last person in the world I expected to show up," Jameson says as they all relax.
"I thought if I got in your good graces, you might let me keep my car," Brian explained causing Jameson to laugh.
"You are in our good graces, but you ain't keeping your car," Jameson told him as he glances out the window before back to Brian with a smirk.
"You drive like you've done this before. Are you a wheelman?" Dom says as he starts the interrogation.
"No," Brian answers as he shakes his head.
"You boost cars?" Jameson asks already knowing the answer.
"No. Never," Brian replied as he drives.
"Ever done time?" Dom questioned him.
"Couple of overnighters. No big deal," Brian answered as if it was nothing.
"What about the two years in juvie for boosting cars?" Jameson asks as Brian quickly looks over at him. "Tucson, right? Jesse and I ran a profile on you, Brian Earl Spilner. We can find anything on the Web. Anything about anybody. So, why the bullshit?"
"So what about you?" Brian asked as he glances between the siblings before noticing Jameson's frown.
"Two years in Lompoc. I'll die before I go back," Dom says as Jameson looks out the window, knowing the truth in what really happened that day and how Dom took the blame. The car is then quickly surrounded by motorcycles. "Oh, great."
"What?" Brian questions as he glances at the motorcycles.
"It's going to be a long-ass night. That's what," Jameson answered him as he leans back in his seat. One of the motorcycles gets close to the car before tapping Brian's window with a gun.
"Follow us," the guy says before Brian follows him. When they stop in the parking lot of a restaurant, they all get out of the car.
"I thought we had an agreement," Johnny Tran says as he turns to face them. "You stay away. I stay away. Hannah and the ever feisty Letty can come as long as they're with me. Everybody stays happy."
"We got lost. What do you want me to tell you?" Jameson asks him as he glared at him for mentioning Letty and Hannah.
"Who's 'we'?" Tran questions as he glances at Brian.
"Our new mechanic. Brian, meet Johnny Tran," Jameson says his name like poison in his mouth. "The guy in the snakeskin pants, that's his cousin. Lance. So, when are you going to give me a shot at that Honda 2000 of yours?"
"This your ride?" Tran asked Brian as he admires the car.
"It was. It's his now," Brian answers him.
"No, it's not. I haven't taken delivery," Jameson says knowing what they would do to the car by saying that it is his.
"Then, it's nobody's car. But somebody put a wrench in time. What do you think, Lance?" Tran said as he ran his hand along the car.
"It's an amazing machine," Lance replied as he kept his gun pointed on them.
"Yes, indeed," Tran says. "Let's go. I'll see you in the desert next month. Be ready to have your ass handed to you."
"You'll need more than that crotch rocket," Jameson sneers as they get on their bikes.
"I got something for you," Tran says with a wink before they drive off.
"What the hell was that about?" Brian asks as he turns to Dom and Jameson.
"Long story. I'll tell you later. Let's get out of here," Jameson told him before opening the door for Dom to get in. Dom stops as he heard the motorcycles coming back. Jameson closes the door before Tran and Lance start shooting at the car. Dom quickly grabs Jameson as the all duck out of the way. Dom and Jameson look over and see that Brian is okay.
"NOS!" Dom shouted as he sees the fire getting bigger. They take cover before the car explodes.
"So, what the hell was that all about?" Brian questioned them.
"It's a long story," Dom explained causing Jameson to roll his eyes.
"Well, we got a 20-mile hike. Humor me," Brian said with a shrug.
"A business deal that went sour. Plus, Dom made the mistake of sleeping with his sister," Jameson explains quickly with a shrug and slight glare at Dom for his mistake. They are able to catch a cab before heading back to the Toretto household.

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