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"Oh, no. Guys, guys! Guys, we have problem," Mia says from her spot at the computer as each of their profiles pop up on the screen. The team gets burnt and they all become wanted by US DSS Agent Luke Hobbs. They set up a place where Jameson, Dom, and Brian meet up with Hobbs and his team.

Awhile later at the meeting location, Jameson is leaning against his car as he and the team enjoy the atmosphere around them.
"Hey, Toretto," Hobbs says as he and his team walk towards them while Jameson turns towards him with a smile. "You're under arrest." Jameson, Dom, and Brian disagree they don't feel like they are under arrest. Jameson notices his necklace around Chloe's neck.
"We didn't kill those feds. That was Reyes," Dom states as he glances from Elena to Hobbs. Hobbs and his team don't arrest them and go back to their base of operations.

Chloe goes home to her apartment, to get some sleep in the hopes that would let her get Jameson out of her head. Chloe takes off her vest, throwing it on the bed, before she hears someone. As she turns to grab her gun, she finds it pointed at her face. At the other end of the gun, she is shocked to find Jameson. He walks towards her causing her to back into the wall. Jameson places his hand on her chest, causing her heart to race before he jerks his necklace off of her neck. Jameson turns to leave as Chloe watches him in shock. "I don't understand. Why come here? Why risk it all for $20 worth of silver?" Chloe questions him causing him to stop.
"Because it's worth it," Jameson answered her as he looks back at her. Chloe tries to convince him to let this go and run, explaining that they will find him and his team. Jameson looks at the pictures on the wall of Chloe's deceased husband.
"Hey! Who was so special to you?" Chloe asked him causing him to freeze. Jameson looks at her sadly before glancing at the picture again as he thinks of Letty. Chloe then realizes that it's someone as special as her husband. "It hurts losing someone."
"I never thought anyone could understand how much," Jameson said with a sigh and a small smile. "But you do." Jameson walks out, leaving Chloe stunned at the connection they already have.

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