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"Hey, James," Han says before Jameson walks over to him

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"Hey, James," Han says before Jameson walks over to him. "I did some checking, asked around, got the location of a street race tonight." Rome accidentally shoots the harpoon gun, that Han had brought back, causing the harpoon to stick in the wall between Jameson and Han, who turn to glare at him as he shoves the gun into Tej's hands. Tej points at Rome, who looks around as if it wasn't him.

Jameson pulls into the area where, Han told him, the street race would be. Jameson couldn't help the smile that comes to his face as he parks, because no matter where in the world he is, he will always feel at home at a street race. Jameson sees a man give Letty money before they shake hands. Letty pulls up to the starting line, hoping to get in another race before the cops show up. Jameson pulls up beside her, as Letty puts her jacket in the passenger seat. "You've got some serious balls, man," Letty tells Jameson with a chuckle as she notices him.
"I've been told," Jameson says with a smile.
"You know, you're lucky I missed my shot," Letty says as her face goes neutral.
"I think you hit your mark," Jameson tells her with a shrug.
""Really?" Letty asks him causing Jameson to nod. "What is it with you? Do you have a death wish or something?"
"If that's what it takes," Jameson answers her with a slight smirk. "I just want to race."
"You might lose your car," Letty taunts him with a smirk.
"Let's do it," Jameson says with a laugh.
"Your funeral," Letty says with a shrug.
"Ride or die, remember?" Jameson asks as he glances at Letty before facing forward. Letty pauses feeling as I'd she has heard the words before.
"Listen up!" A lady says as she walks in between Jameson's and Letty's cars. "Out here, we're used to getting what we want. This is London, baby. But remember don't bite the bait. Are you ready? Ready?" They rev their engines. "Steady." She raises her arms. "Go!" Jameson takes off in a wheelie with Letty in front of him. Letty weaves in and out of traffic as Jameson tries to get beside her before Jameson gets in front of her as they go around a curve.
"Just like old times," Jameson says with a smirk as he sees a cop car chasing them. Jameson quickly turns around causing the cop to swerve and crash. Jameson drives in reverse beside Letty with a smirk before he quickly turns back around.
"This guy is crazy," Letty says with an excited smile. Jameson gets back in front of Letty as they turn another curve. Letty gets beside Jameson as they weave through traffic. Letty uses her NOS before Jameson uses his NOS, passing Letty. "You got to be kidding me."

Letty motions for Jameson to follow before she leads him to an abandoned lot near an overpass. "You're still upshifting early," Jameson tells Letty as he gets out of his car.
"I do that so you brake," Letty responds as she leans against her car.
"You lose traction and the back end kicks out," Jameson explains to her.
"I noticed," Letty tells him as Jameson walks over to her. "Look, just because you know how I ride, doesn't mean you know me."
"You know what they say where we are from?" Jameson asks her with a smile. "Show me how you drive, I'll show you who you are." Jameson looks at her car. "V8. You never could resist American muscle." Jameson looks up at Letty to see a scar through her eyebrow. "Nice scar. You never could keep yourself out of trouble, either." Letty moves her hair behind her ear with a small smile.
"What else do you know about me?" Letty asks as she turns to face Jameson.
"About you?" Jameson asks her back as he walks closer to Letty. "Everything." Jameson lifts her wrist between them. "Like this scar. You got it the first night we met. You were 15. First street race. Some kid trying to show off lost control of his car, wiped out right next to you. You're lucky you didn't lose your arm."
"Let me guess, you saved me," Letty states with a proud smirk, thinking she had Jameson figured out.
"Yeah in a way," Jameson says with a chuckle. "My twin brother was the kid showing off and I put my car between his and the crowd as he was wrecking." Letty looks down with a shy smile causing Jameson to smile. "And here." Jameson moves Letty's hair away from her shoulder to reveal another scar by her shirt strap. Letty holds back a shiver from the tingling sensation left by Jameson's touch. "Boyle Heights. You were fleeing with my little sister, Mia before you got trapped in a corner. And you thought it was a good idea to drive your Torino Cobra through a retaining wall." Letty let's out a laugh since it sounds like something she would do.
"Alright, what about this one?" Letty asks Jameson before raising her shirt and lowering her pants to show a scar on her hip bone.
"This was the last time we were together," Jameson answered her as he touches the scar fondly. "In the DR. You wanted to go for a night swim. You cut yourself on the reef. I followed you. I even got this scar to match." Jameson shows her a scar on his hip. Letty has a small smile on her face as she rubs her finger over Jameson's scar before she realizes what she did.
"Look, I don't know why you're here, but I really think you're in over your head," Letty tells him honestly as they stare at each other. Jameson gently holds Letty's head in his hands, making sure she is looking at him.
"I'm here for you," Jameson states as he stares into Letty's eyes.
"That girl you remember, it's not me," Letty says as she glances down.
"Not from what I just saw," Jameson tells her with a smirk. "Like it or not you're still the same girl. I saw it out there. I see it right now."
"I got to go," Letty says as she slightly panics as she fights against the connection she feels with Jameson.
"Hey," Jameson says as Letty opens her door. "It belongs to you." Jameson hands her their cross necklace. Letty gets into her car before driving off.

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