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"Come on, James. So where are you taking me?" Letty asks from the passenger seat as Jameson drives along a road in the desert.
"They say an open road helps you think about where you've been, where you're going," Jameson answers her as he looks over at Letty with a smile. "So you don't remember any of this yet?"
"That's not fair. You know I don't," Letty tells him causing Jameson to let out a sad sigh. "So what are you exactly trying to show me?"
"That," Jameson says as he points to numerous tents and cars in front of them with races going on. "Race wars."
"We used to come here?" Letty asks him with an excited smile.
"Come here?" Jameson asks her back with a smirk. "We invented it."

Letty looks around in amazement before turning to Jameson with an excited smile as Jameson drives through the crowds. Jameson pulls up near the starting line before letting Letty get into the driver's seat. Jameson looks over at the other driver as the driver revs his engine.
"Keep it under 9,000 RPMs," Jameson says as he leans in the window. "Kid's gonna fry his pistons after the first 200."
"You know that's not my style. I gotta ride or die, right?" Letty says as she glances over at the other driver.
"How about you just ride on this one?" Jameson asks her as a woman walks between the cars. The woman motions for both drivers to pull to the starting line.
"Are you ready?" The woman asks as she points to the other driver before she points at Letty. "I know you're ready." Letty revs the engine as the woman waves a flag in the air. "Go!" The woman drops her arms as the drivers take off. Letty stays right beside the other driver as she watches her RPMs to make sure she doesn't go over 9,000. The driver's pistons fry causing him to slow down before Letty wins the race. Letty smiles and shakes her head knowing that Jameson was right. Letty is surrounded by people congratulating her as she gets out of the car.
"Hey! That's the girl I heard so much about," A woman says as she shakes hands with Letty. "Where you been at ghost girl?" The crowd starts cheering as 'ghost girl' repeats in Letty's head before she gets a flash of the wreck. Letty gets a flash of her in a hospital before someone picks her up from behind. Letty gets a flash of the explosion as she is set down before she instinctively turns and punches the man in the face.
"Letty, what the hell?" Hector, the man, asks her as he holds his busted lip. Jameson tries to get to Letty before she gets into the car and drives off. "Damn dawg! That girl still got that swing, homie."
"You never could take a punch," Jameson tells Hector with a slight smile as he worries about Letty.
"Right, right," Hector says with a chuckle as he hugs Jameson. "Hey, man. I'm glad you're back, man. It's good to see you!"
"Good to see you, Hector," Jameson says as he watches Letty disappear.

Jameson is out looking for Letty, when he finds Letty in the cemetery where Letty's headstone is. "First time I saw this, I thought it was kind of funny," Letty says as she hears Jameson walking up behind her. "I guess now the joke's on me." Letty turns to Jameson, who rests a sledge hammer on his shoulder. "What are you doing?"
"What I should've done a long time ago," Jameson answers her as he walks towards the headstone.
"Stop it!" Letty yells as she stops Jameson from smashing the headstone. "Look at it. It's the truth. That's the date that I lost my memory. That's the date that Letty died and I was born."
"No. You never died," Jameson says as he looks at her.
"Do you know how hard it is for me when you look at me through 15 years of memories?" Letty asks him as she tries not to cry. "Every crazy beautiful moment we've ever had. I see it in your eyes. I can't give that to you. I got nothing."
"You got me," Jameson tells her as he also tries not to cry.
"And you've got only a piece of me," Letty says as she fights back tears. "I have to find myself. For me." Letty kisses Jameson's cheek. "Goodbye, James." Letty walks away leaving Jameson standing there as he finally lets the tears fall.

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