Chapter 21.

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YEAR 01.
Chapter 21.

  The whole school turns out for the first Quidditch match for the season, and because Mattheo Riddle is playing on the Slytherin Quidditch team, and they all want a peak at the Boy-Who-Lived in action.

  Families of wealth and influence have muscled their way into the stands to watch the game. Most of Hogsmeade Village has also turned up for the match. The Minister for Magic is even sitting with some of the teachers, he's keen on seeing Mattheo in action.

  Dumbledore and all of the other teachers and family guests are sitting in one of the high stands to watch the game. The rest of the school are wearing the colours of the team they're supporting.

  Though most of the school are supporting Gryffindor, as they like Gryffindor much more than they like Slytherin, most of them are supporting Mattheo. Even in a sea of red, Mattheo sees his jersey number painted on a lot of supportive signs.

  Mattheo is starting to feel the sickening feeling in the pit of his stomach, a lot of people are counting on him today. And the other members of the Quidditch team aren't exactly that friendly towards him.

  Mattheo stands apart from the rest of the Quidditch team. So Artemis sees the perfect opportunity to slip in and speak to him. Artemis knows that he will never tell anyone that he is nervous, he'll try and muscle through his fear on his own.

  Artemis leans against the wall next to him, her hands behind her back, and her head tilted to the side to look at him. Mattheo catches sight of her, and his attention goes to Artemis' legs. "You're never nervous" Artemis informs Mattheo. It's rare to see Mattheo pacing around nervously. He can fearlessly face a troll, but a sports match turn him on his head.

  "Look, Bells, I don't really have time for this right now" Mattheo tells Artemis. He needs to focus on every move and play that he's learned over the past month. A lot of people are counting on him to win this match.

  "It's a shame" Artemis comments. "I'm a little disappointed in you, you can charge head first against a troll, but as soon as you have to play against Potter you turn into a pile of jelly" Artemis tells Mattheo. "Harry's confidence, now that is something that should be admired. He's bouncing with excitement to get into his first proper match" Artemis knows what she's doing, feeding Mattheo just enough anger that he'll forget his nerves.

  Mattheo bites the inside of his cheek hard, so hard that he's tasting blood, he's trying not to start another argument with Artemis. Mattheo does not need to hear Artemis' opinions on Harry.

  "I feel like I wasted my time" Artemis tells him. She moves a strand of her hair aside, next to her eyes she's painted his jersey number in green face paint.

  Mattheo freezes for a moment when he sees his number painted on her face. His fear is drowned out by his confidence in just a simple moment. If Artemis believes in him, then he feels like he can do anything.

  Mattheo laughs as he sees it. "Bells, you are such a nerd" Mattheo laughs. For some reason it makes his heart swell to know that he has her support, maybe it's because she has his back, or maybe it's because she's wearing his number for everyone else to see.

  "There's that fire" Artemis tells Mattheo. Artemis takes Mattheo by the throat. "Now get out there and kill them" she spits in his face. Her fingers grip at his face hard, enough where he looks at her with a dark amusement.

BOOK 1: ORIGINATION. (Mattheo Riddle).Where stories live. Discover now