Chapter 12.

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YEAR 01.
Chapter 12.

  On Saturday morning Mattheo has to finally summon up the courage to tell Artemis about the duel that he's roped them into. Iris will make a point of holding this against Artemis if she doesn't show up, and Mattheo has been putting it off for that very reason.

  Mattheo paces around outside of the Great Hall as he tries to summon up the courage. Lorenzo and Frey are sat on the plinth for the large statues by the door.

  "He's not going to do it" Frey tells Lorenzo. They've both taken up front row seats to whatever fireworks are about to go off.

  "He has to" Lorenzo tells Frey. "If Mattheo shows Artemis up in front of Iris, then she'll never forgive him" Lorenzo tells Frey. The rivalry runs deep between Artemis and Iris.

  "Yeah, Iris is a touchy subject for her" Frey agrees. "Remember when we had that pop quiz in McGonagall's class, and they almost came to throttling one another" Frey remembers. Professor McGonagall expertly defused the situation in time.

  Lorenzo shrugs. "I did try to tell him at the time" Lorenzo tells Frey. "You know how he gets when he's on one, he doesn't think before he speaks" Lorenzo tells Frey.

  Lorenzo and Frey look around to find that Mattheo is glaring at the both of them instead of pacing around. They're talking about him as if he isn't present. "Screw the both of you" Mattheo shouts at them both. "You two stating the obvious isn't helping me. She's going to kill me, or do something very bad with her magic" Mattheo starts to say.

  He's thankful that he's not wearing his school uniform and he's in a hoody and jeans. If he was wearing a tie then he might start hyperventilating.

  "She's going to kill him" Frey tells Lorenzo.

  "She's going to kill him" Lorenzo agrees.

  Mattheo shoots the both of them a threatening look again, and the both decide to shut up since they aren't helping.

  "Frey, you're her friend, any advice?" Mattheo asks Frey hopefully. Maybe he could get some inside information that would help.

  "When it involves Iris Lestrange, her arch-nemesis, her very own Draco Malfoy?" Frey asks Mattheo. "How far do you think you could run before midnight? Just a hypothetical question?" Frey muses to Mattheo.

  Mattheo gives Frey a rude hand gesture. Lorenzo and Frey both laugh between each other.

  "Mate, just get in there and do it" Lorenzo tells Mattheo. As long as he's out here then there's less time for Mattheo and Artemis to prepare.

  Mattheo takes a deep breath. "Yeah, rip the band-aid off quickly" Mattheo says to himself.

  Mattheo strides on ahead into the Great Hall so that he can find Artemis.

  "Band-aid?" Lorenzo asks Frey.

  "A muggle-American word" Frey tells Lorenzo.

  Mattheo scans up and down the Slytherin table. He spots Artemis chatting with a bunch of Slytherin girls that are older, and she's actually socialising with them, she's on the road of acceptance from Slytherin house.

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