Chapter 18.

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YEAR 01.
Chapter 18.

  During the afternoon, Mattheo and Lorenzo spend their time at the Quidditch pitch. Stands as tall as skyscrapers will be filled with people come the weekend, for the first match of the year between Slytherin and Gryffindor.

  Mattheo has been training in secret with the Slytherin Quidditch team, with Marcus Flint (the team captain) running Mattheo through the most intense drills of his life so he can get caught up. This includes speed training on the school brooms. Trying to bulk up in the weight room. And all of the other Slytherin players hurling objects at him while he balances on his broom, and tries to avoid the objects.

  After Quidditch practice the night sky starts to turn dark, and that means that it's almost time for the Halloween Feast.

  A feast that Mattheo and Lorenzo have been looking forward to since it was announced. Having the troubled childhoods that they've had, they didn't get much a chance to celebrate Halloween, so it's exciting for the both of them.

  "Reckon that Artemis convinced Frey to come out of the girls' bathroom?" Lorenzo questions Mattheo. Frey had hoped that Halloween would jog something in her memory,

  "Dunno" Mattheo shrugs. "I just hope she can get all of that ink off her face, or she won't be able to come to the feast later" Mattheo says.

  It would be a shame if Frey missed the feast, she and Mattheo have never attended one, and as muggle-raised they were both excited for this evening. Lorenzo even promised to tell them some magical-world ghost stories.

  "I can't wait to get some revenge on Draco" Lorenzo says. "And this one is going to hurt, not like the pranks we pulled against Pansy and Marcus" Lorenzo warns Mattheo. "No one messes with my friends" Lorenzo seethes through tightly grit teeth.

  "Merlin, you're really taking this one personally aren't you?" Mattheo comments. "What's going on?" Mattheo asks Lorenzo. Lorenzo never usually gets this torn up about Draco's bullying.

  "Sometimes I think you and Artemis don't see how much me and Frey get bullied. Draco bullies me in the hope it will get to you, and Iris does the same with Frey since she hopes it will hurt Artemis" Lorenzo tells Mattheo. "Me and Frey watch out for each other" Lorenzo tells Mattheo.

  Mattheo puts his hand out to stop Lorenzo. He may be dripping with mud and shivering cold, but this seems more important than getting warm shower.

  "Are things really that bad for you and Frey?" Mattheo asks Lorenzo. "Why have you never told me about this, I would have put Draco's head through a wall" Mattheo roars with this possessive power inside of him, no one hurts his friends.

  "Mate, I need to be able to fight my own battles as well" Lorenzo tells Mattheo. "I don't have your confidence or Artemis' skill" Lorenzo says to Mattheo.

  "No, you don't" Mattheo agrees. "You have all of the good things mixed together inside that makes you Lorenzo Berkshire" Mattheo smiles to Lorenzo. "You have a caring heart, and that counts for a lot" Mattheo tells Lorenzo.

  "I would rather be tough than caring" Lorenzo grumbles. "The sort of person that is able to stick up for his friends" Lorenzo hates being the sidekick out of the both of them, and that Mattheo has to be the one to take the fight to the other Slytherin students.

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