Chapter 01.

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YEAR 01.
Chapter 01.

The stars seem to be alive on the night in question, reflecting back the happiness of the world below, a happiness of the fall of the great darkness.

It is only rumour that passes the lips of every witch and wizard, goblin and ghoul, elf and master, but it is a rumour that everyone is happy to take as fact. Everyone is desperate to believe that the good news has actually come to pass.

The Dark Lord. He Who Must Not Be Named has been vanquished. His dark time of terror has ended. Years of both the magical and muggle community being killed and terrorised is over.

It's on the streets of Arcanville, Virginia, America where the story begins. A small town in the nowhere parts of Virginia that no one thinks about, where nothing remarkable ever happens. At least, nothing remarkable that the muggles see, and the one magical being keeps to himself. The perfect place to hide a most important item.

A loud crack echoes across the quiet street, and Albus Dumbledore appear into view, his heeled boot landing on the cobbled stone of Roosevelt Street.

Bakeries and corner stores are what litter the street, but they aren't the building that Albus Dumbledore is interested in, a small house that sits at the end of the street is what interests Albus Dumbledore.

Dumbledore holds out an item that looks like a lighter, and with a click it drains the light from the nearby street lights.

A wizard dressed in purple robes with crescent moons on the robes would stick out like a sore thumb in this sort of habitat. A large conical hat perched on his head of long grey hair. And a pair of glasses perched on the end of his crooked nose.

Keeping the events of the evening private is in the best interests of every muggle.

Dumbledore strolls along the street, minding all of his surroundings, and waiting around for any sign that his colleague might be arriving. Dumbledore did not expect to hear the familiar meowing sound, a particular meow that he has come to know so well.

A cat is perched on the base of a small stone wall that borders the yard. The cat is brown and golden, but with a particular square pattern in the fur surrounding the eyes. The pattern that a large part of square glasses, worn when the woman transforms.

"I did not expect you to be here, Professor McGonagall" Dumbledore says calmly to the cat.

The cat cocks it's head slightly. One moment it's the figure of a feline, and then the next moment the cat form twists and then forms into the body of a woman.

Professor Minerva McGonagall.

In her emerald green robes, and an equal conical hat to Dumbledore. Her hair is tied into a tight bun. Her posture is straight and strict. Her lips pursed.

"How could you tell?" McGonagall questions Dumbledore.

"My dear, Minerva, I have never seen a cat sit so stiffly" Dumbledore informs McGonagall. Dumbledore has also seen McGonagall in her animagus form many times.

"You would be stiff if you had been sitting on a wall all day" McGonagall mutters back to Dumbledore.

"All day? Have you not been to any feasts or celebrations? I myself passed several parties on my way here" Dumbledore questions McGonagall.

BOOK 1: ORIGINATION. (Mattheo Riddle).Where stories live. Discover now