Chapter 16.

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YEAR 01.
Chapter 16.

Halloween festivities wash over the castle and every willing student helps Dumbledore decorate. They're amazed at watching the wizard weaving magic with natural ease.

Dumbledore simply waves his wand in the Great Hall and bunting with skeletons and pumpkins drape the walls. Floating pumpkins and skull levitate throughout the castle. Whenever a student would pass a candle, a figure made of flames would jump out and do a little jig. Different types of sweets floated around the castle in bowls, some of them sweets, some of them sweet tasting tricks, try at your own risk.

Frey and Delphini spent their time volunteering to decorate the Grand Staircase, but they do it the muggle way with large banners and pots of paint. Both of them loving that they're getting their hands dirty with paint and other artistic materials.

Lorenzo is helping Hagrid to prepare the grounds for Halloween, statues of fearsome creatures are places all through the grounds. Lorenzo also has a long conversation with Fang, and Lorenzo swears that he can understand Fang, even Hagrid is sceptical of this ability.

Artemis and Mattheo however decide to spent the 30th decorating their own little space, the Undercroft. It has become a favourite hiding spot for the both of them.

Artemis uses the space for quiet study. It was a place where she could find silence when she's there on her own. And a place where she could hide out away from Atlas, as he's becoming more annoying about Mattheo.

Mattheo uses the space to practice his spell casting and pranks before using them in front of people. Mattheo is getting a lot better at combat and defensive magic, quickly excelling above the other students in their year.

"Levioso" Artemis chants. A tricky spell that took Artemis a while to master.

A flux stream of yellow magic pulses from the end of her wand, and a colour changing skeleton is lifted and mounted onto the chandelier above them.

"Cool! You'll have to teach me that one" Mattheo tells Artemis. Another spell that he can use in a duel, for the next time that he challenges Draco to a duel.

"It's good for levitating objects, and even people in a duel. For anything larger you'd need to use Wingardium Leviosa, which is a more powerful form of the spell" Artemis educates Mattheo. "For objects we need to lift, it's a fine spell".

"Objects like...?" Mattheo asks as he tries to replicate the wand movement with his own wand.

"Levioso" Artemis chants again. And she waves her wand in the direction of Mattheo. And her magic begins to pull at Mattheo's wand.

Mattheo tries to hang onto his wand as it's yanked into the air by a powerful force. And the wand floats up high above Mattheo's reach.

"Ha ha. Very funny. Give me my wand back" Mattheo drawls to Artemis. This is her idea of funny, and Mattheo is more of a prank funny sort of person.

Artemis levitates Mattheo's wand into the hand of the colour changing skeleton, and it's far out of Mattheo's reach. It's a shame, he'd need his wand to get his wand down. And Artemis is giggling at Mattheo's karma.

"I would, but I'm late for pep squad practice" Artemis shrugs. Then she has potions club straight after. Then her study group. Then test practice with Flitwick, she's convinced him to let her sit some old test papers from previous years. Then she's helping Frey with her photos. Then she has to check in at the Owlry to see if she's heard anything from her grandmother regarding Delphini's condition.

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