Chapter 19.

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YEAR 01.
Chapter 19.

  Frey has spent most of the day in the bathroom, crying and scrubbing at her face to try and remove the ink, but all she's succeeded in doing is giving the black ink a red raw tinge around the edges.

  After a whole afternoon of crying she finally summons up the courage to leave the bathroom stall. Frey has gotten herself so tired that all she wants to do is go to bed, and hope that no one sees what Draco and Iris have done to her face.

  Artemis had stayed with Frey for a few hours in the afternoon, but she went down to the feast about an hour ago, Artemis assures Frey that the ink blotches will fade off of her face eventually.

  Frey's eyes are so sore from crying that she doesn't immediately see the large shape that is stood by the doorway of the large bathroom. The sickening smell is the first sign that something is wrong, and Frey looks up from the sinks at the large grey troll that is standing in the doorway.

  Frey's eyes open wide in fear at the large creature that has somehow made its way into the castle, and better yet had found Frey in the girls' bathroom, the only student that is wandering around the castle on her own.

  The creature blinks back at the Frey, then it lets out a roar. And Frey screams back at the troll.

  The troll swings its large wooden club down at Frey, but she manages to roll out of the way before it strikes, and instead the club shatters apart the porcelain sink.

  Frey pulls out her wand to defend herself, but she doesn't know any spells that will be powerful enough to bring down an adult troll.

  "Flipendo" Mattheo shouts, and a bolt of blue light strikes the troll in the side of the face. The spell does nothing to the troll, as the troll's skin is so thick.

  Mattheo, Artemis and Lorenzo rush into the bathroom. "Help!" Frey calls out to them, though she isn't sure what the three of them are going to do, their spells aren't powerful enough to strike at the troll's thick skin.

  "Frey, move!" Artemis shouts to the girl.

  The troll swings her club down again at Frey, and Frey just manages to roll out of the way, and the troll leaves a large crater in the floor.

  "Bells? What are we doing here?" Mattheo shouts over to Artemis, he's hoping that Artemis is going to have some sort of quick way to dispense of a troll.

  "What do I look like," Artemis shouts back to Mattheo. A muggle snarky response that she picked up from Delphini.

  "Will you two stop barking at each other for two seconds!" Lorenzo shouts between them. "There's a fucking troll trying to kill us!" Lorenzo shouts at them. If there was a time for them to be on the same team, it should be now.

  "Enzo, you get to Frey, me and Bells will distract the troll" Mattheo pushes Lorenzo to the side of the bathroom.

  Lorenzo sneaks his way over to the stalls, and begins to climb over them so that the troll won't spot him. Sneaky, but not exactly graceful.

  Mattheo and Artemis ready their wands to fight the troll, they won't be able to do any real damage to the troll, but they might be able to make enough of a spectacle to focus the troll on them.

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