Chapter 6: The Sixth Letter

Start from the beginning

The second dream that I wanted to tell you about was that last night, I dreamt of Jungkook. Funny, right? I never actually thought I was able to dream about him without including everyone from BTS. Maybe it's because he's been so active on social media that I see him in my dreams now. Aside from that, I don't clearly remember what started this dream, but I remember a certain part when I was trying to attend his solo concert. I was at the high-top view of the indoor stadium and I wanted so badly to get a closer look at him performing (there was also a guy who was hanging around me although I don't remember his face quite frankly). As I was looking down at the stage, some tables and seats were mostly empty, which was quite surprising to me at first because I know from firsthand experience how fast tickets run out just for your concerts, so why was more than half the stadium empty? Even with that thought in mind, my eyes wandered down and I saw a girl who was alone at a table meant for five that was right in front of the stage. I thought to myself that this was the perfect chance to get the closest view to see Jungkook, so I quickly alerted the guy next to me to get to the seats because it was first come first serve. 

I remember making my way to the door, which surprisingly had no security, and it led me into another lounge area where there were a handful of people watching Jungkook's concert from a TV screen when the event was happening outside if they just opened the door that led them to the stadium. Then again, more room for more people, I suppose. I quickly opened the door and made my way down the steps which were kind of hard for me to navigate because my surroundings were dark. I was able to make it to the table and to my disappointment, it wasn't the best view because the props surrounding the stage were blocking most of it. I decided that it was best for me to stand up instead and I, for no reason, went all the way to the other side of the stage. Maybe it was because there was a small bar that was placed right in front of the stage (yes, it doesn't make sense at all because it's a dream of course). Once I reached that area, I met Jungkook! 

I remember clearly that he was wearing this same outfit with the same hairstyle while performing "Dreamers

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I remember clearly that he was wearing this same outfit with the same hairstyle while performing "Dreamers." After he was done performing, I got the chance to interact with him and had a little chat during his short break. Once his break was done, he continued to perform on stage and interacted with the audience, as well as with conversations. Jungkook made his on-and-off appearances in my dream, but it was still in the same place. 

The second time he came over, we started talking again. To be honest, I don't even remember the conversation, but he quickly made his appearance on stage once again to interact with the audience, except this time, he was throwing candy at us. He was holding a basket and grabbed handfuls, throwing them at everyone. He also had a few helpers to do that too on stage, but they were on the other side. Not surprising, but Jungkook threw the candy in my direction the most and I caught almost every one of them. And then after a performance, he disappeared, again. I mean, it was a solo concert so I guess he needed a break every time. 

I remember I ran into this one fan who brought her poster with her and she wanted him to sign it. She asked me where he was because I was the last one seen with him, but then I told her, "I'm not sure where he went," and shrugged it off. She probably thought I was a stage staff since I've interacted with Jungkook the most. 

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