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SMG3: @everyone I need your help

Niles: With what?

SMG3: Wait

SMG3 kicked SMG4 from the group chat


SMG3: What the..?

SMG2: I'm guessing he upgraded the security so only he can kick and add people

SMG3: Great now I have to make a whole new group chat!


SMG3 created a group chat

SMG3 added SMG0 and 3 others

SMG3: Okay now we're good

SMG0: What's going on?

SMG3: I need help

Niles: With what exactly?

SMG3: Please don't laugh

SMG1: We won't

SMG3: I wanna ask SMG4 out but I don't know if this is the right time bc he's seems really busy and-

SMG2: Woah! Slow down!

Niles: Yeah! And now is the perfect time! It's not too long after Valentine's Day, and you two spent the day together remember?

SMG3: Ofc I do! We had so much fun at the fair that day

SMG1: I say you just go for it

SMG3: That's nice advice and all, but I'm not sure I can really "just go for it"

SMG1: Sure you can! Don't think about it and just say that you love him!

SMG3: I can't!

SMG0: Why?

SMG3: What if he says no? What if he looks at me like I'm a fool? What if he stops talking to me entirely?!?

Niles: 3 you can't base this off of what ifs. Those what ifs are just going to hold you back. Sometimes in life you have to take chances. This is one of those times.

SMG3: Wow I never knew you were capable of being so kind. I misjudged you. Thank you

Niles: Np

SMG3: I'm gonna do it!

SMG2: You better!

SMG3: I'll tell you guys how it goes later!


Back in the regular group chat

SMG4: wtf happened? Why did 3 try to kick me?

SMG4: Hello?

SMG4: Nvm I'm going back to work

SMG4 Group ChatWhere stories live. Discover now