Meggy has some explaining to do

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This takes place a few hours after SMG4: SMG4... Are You Okay?

SMG2: @SMG3 @SMG4 Care to explain?

SMG2: @SMG3 @SMG4 Care to explain?

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SMG3: Fuck

SMG4: We were just doing that for a video I swear!

SMG1: Right...

Meggy joined the group chat

Meggy: Hell yeah I'm in! Thank god for Melony!

SMG4: God dammit Meggy

Meggy: What?

SMG3: You told everyone didn't you?

Meggy: Told everyone about what?

SMG4: About the whole doll thing you walked in on

Meggy: I'm sorry! I couldn't stop laughing, so Mario asked me what was wrong! Then I told him, and he told everyone!


Meggy: Who's Niles?

SMG2: A friend

SMG1: A dead friend

SMG0: My roommate

SMG3: A menace to society

SMG4: An asshole I somehow call an acquaintance

Meggy: Dang you guys all have very different perceptions of who Niles is. Also isn't he Melony's old trainer from before the God Box was opened?

Niles: yea

Meggy: And who's SMG0?

Niles: My roommate

SMG2: Some guy I barely know

SMG1: Another dead guy

SMG3: The guy who's taking care of Terrence

SMG4: Not an asshole I call an acquaintance

Meggy: That didn't help.

SMG4: I don't really want to be rude but this is supposed to be a group chat for me and the other SMGs. So can you please leave?

Meggy: Oh yeah! My bad!

Meggy left the group chat

SMG4: I really gotta get better protection for this group chat

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