Chapter 11

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"So today, you stand with us. Or, you stand against me."
Optimus announced, making me shiver.
"I'm a human, so I would always take the first option."
I said, as Drift looked down at me in concern, having probably felt my shivering.
He smiled slightly.
"As long as you don't betray us like all the others, there is no problem in that."
We continued watching Optimus.
And then, the one with red eyes swung down at Optimus, making him doge and me sigh.
"More fighting. Just what we needed."
"I will let Prime figure this one out."
Crosshair announced, walking past Drift, who turned to him.
"Very wise."
I just began thinking.
"Short question, why can't those bots talk? They sound like animals, while you guys can talk like humans."
Drift just shrugged.
"We will probably find out soon."
He continued walking behind Crosshair, who continued grumbling.
"No freaking way I'm staying down here with them. No way. Noo way."
I tilt my head to look at him where he sat on a waterfall.
"Won't water get you to rost?"
"I would rather stay up here and risk a bit rosting than down there and risk getting killed."
Came the answer, making me sigh and look over to Optimus again.
"That thing is like what? Thrice his size and he still fights it? That's crazy. Someone please explain what he is thinking."
I muttered, watching as Optimus punched the other mech in the face.
I actually shrieked when the taller one transformed, revealing it to be a metallern T-Rex.
"A dinosaur. Because why not."
I immediately backtracked, seating myself as far away from it as possible while on Drifts servo.
"Dear god."
I clung to the servo even more when I realized the being could breathe fire.
"Craziest thing I've seen while with you. Definitely."
I curled up, trying to shield myself.
Because if number one could do that, numbers two, three and four could probably too.
"I was expecting a giant car."
Came Drifts informative not information.
"We do not have cars giant enough for them, I fear."
I whispered to him, making him look down and see me curled up.
He tilted his head a bit, before curling his servo around me, that served at least as a bit of protection.
I gulped as I felt a bit of the ground shake through Drift, making me look through his digits.
The dinosaur had been thrown onto the floor, rolling a bit.
"How did Optimus ever lose, however short, if that is his real strength?"
I asked silently, not expecting an answer, as that really was too silent to be heard.
"Autobots, we are going to prove who we are."
He announced, making Drift uncurl his servo, and me glance up.
"I hope these guys will not step on me."
I told them, making them shake their heads.
"I will make sure that they don't."
Drift soothed me, looking back at Optimus.
"And why we are here."
Optimus finished, his sword drawn.
"Seriously, where did he even get that?"
I questioned, turning to Crosshair who again complained.
"Ah, you just wanna die for the guy. That's leadership. Or brainwash into something."
"No, that's Optimus Prime."
Came Drift's response.
I blinked, holding up my hand.
"I actually would prefer it if no one died, thank you very much."
Came from Crosshair.
"at least someone still thinks logical."
We watched as the other three bots transformed as well.
"Autobots, we charge together."
I glared at Drift.
"Listen, even if you need to make sure you do not fall off this metal triceratops, do not let me fall. I do not want to die."
He nodded, curling his servos back around me, before we began returning to the city.
The dinosaur who was able to fly, looked down, making me hide even further but he then took the lead, ignoring me.
"I will try to find the others when in the city, that would at least make sure no one needs to protect me, and you can fight with both swords."
The city we entered was chaos, the new bots were everywhere.
Somewhere a bit out of sight, Drift let me down, making me begin sprinting to reach the others.
"So, what did I miss?"
I asked once I finally reached Cade.
He turned to me.
"What did you miss?"
He pointed at the dinosaurs.
"What did we miss is the better question."
"Erm, standing around isn't something we should do right now."
He nodded, pulling up his gun again while I powered up the laptop.
When all the new bits were destroyed, Optimus called Joshua forward.
Someone is in trouble.
I thought, getting picked up again, making me blink.
"Oh. When did you get down here again?"
I asked Bee, who just put me back onto Drift's shoulder.
I huffed, crossing my arms.
"If you want to say something, just say it."
I nearly jumped, when the T-Rex suddenly roared at the man, making me turn back to the task on hand.
"We will lead you out of the city."
Optimus told them, turning the dinosaur around.
I just shrugged, beginning to climb down, only to be bought up again, making me raise my hands in defeat.
"Alright, I stay put."
I watched, as the other five seated themselves into a car Drift had pointed out, before he also transformed.
"You do know that that car isn't made for speed, right?"
"Got any other ideas?"
I sigh.
"Not really."
We drove, Optimus in front, with the car that carried the seed not far behind.
The so-called warriors joining as well.
I just looked back at the laptop, jumping when a cybertronian signal appeared just in front of my location, moving.
"Erm, Drift?"
"What is it?"
"I think the seed has a tracker on it."
"Well, it just activated, showing everyone with the possible means where it is."
"Let me guess. Lockdown?"
"100 Points to our winner."
I confirmed.
Came from Drift, making me tilt my head.
"You all will probably survive longer than me."
"What do you know now that we don't?"
Suddenly came a question from Ratchet.
"First, where did you just come from? And second. He threatened me. That's all."

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