Chapter 3

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Living with the autobots was .... interesting.
I can't really describe it in another word.
Ratchet became more distant then he was on our drive to Vegas, while Drift pretty much still behaved the same.
Bumblebee warmed up to me pretty fast, telling me some stories about the first human he was guardian of and the adventures they had with the original team.
The last two autobots, Hound and Crosshair, pretty much ignored my existence, sometimes making snarky comments about me or humans in general.
But they still sat down and told me about their experiences if I pestered them long enough.
"They found our location."
Bee sayed with different voices, making all of us look over to the cave's entrance.
Crosshair asked, before his optics narrowed and he began pulling out a gun.
"Hey hey. Before you decide to shoot me, can I remind you that I'm the only one to never leave this place and that there are always two of you here with me?"
I asked, holding up my hands in surrender.
He huffed and put his gun away, transforming into his alt mode, followed by the others.
Drift opened his passenger door for me and I hopped in, securing myself with the seatbelt.
"Rules, we don't let Sapphire out, no matter what she says, we keep in pairs of two or three, we meet right here."
A card lights up on Drift's display.
"After we lost them. Any other questions?"
Bee told us, making everyone agree.
"Hey, I at least have the possibility to survive longer than you if I'm caught. They still want my information."
I complained, crossing my arms.
"Doesn't mean they won't kill you if they found out you destroyed them."
Hound answered.
"Aww, so you do care."
I said, grinning.
"Correction, I care about the team and our freedom. And if the team includes you, we need to make sure you don't get killed."
"Sure. Keep telling yourself that."
We drove out, Drift and I followed Ratchet while the other three stayed together.
"Can we listen to some music?"
"You want to listen to music in this situation?"
Drift asked, confused, seemingly not sure if he heard me correct.
He sigh.
"Let me see if there is anything worthwhile."
He shifted through the channels before stopping at one that sounded far away and quite old.
"Calling all the ... Calling all the autobots. ... Calling ..."
I looked over to the radio.
"Is that who I think it is?"
"It seems like it."
Ratchet answered.
"And it's only a mile away from the place Bee wanted all of us to meet."
Drift continued.
"So, we go there, right?"
The only answer I got was a hum, making me huff.
"We~ scout forwards. Sapphire, stay~ with Ratchet."
I sigh, waiting for the two transformers to stop and switch the one I am diving with.
At the meeting point, I watched the others go on, soon seeing signs of Hound shooting into the air and a helicopter?
"Who of you guys is the helicopter? I thought you only had car modes."
Ratchet laughed, leaving the whole car vibrating.
"That's Drift. He didn't tell you he had a second alt mode?"
I crossed my arms.
"No, he obviously did not."
"Let's go meet Optimus."
Ratchet began driving again, soon halting besides Crosshair, staying in his alt mode.
Why is he ..... oh.
Optimus let out three humans of his alt mode before transforming.
"Humans have asked us to play by their rules, well, the rules have just changed."
Was the first thing he said, causing me to shrink into Ratchet's seat.
He knew the other three humans, no doubt he trusted them, otherwise he wouldn't have taken them with him, but he didn't know me.
And I didn't know what kind of reaction I should expect from him, even if I was vouched for by those he once knew and trusted.
"Humans, bunch of backstabbing weasels."
Hound let his own opinion be known, making me glare up at him through Ratchet's windshield.
And what am I? A stone?
"Hound, find your inner compass. Loyalty is about to flower in the winds of fear and temptation."
Drift interrupted him, making me look at him confused.
Now that ...... didn't make sense at all.
I thought.
"What the hell are you saying?"
Asked Hound, agreeing with my unspoken thoughts.
"It's a haiku."
Drift explained, making me hit my head on Ratchet's steering wheel.
Not the right time for those, Drift.
And, Drift and Hound began fighting, making me sigh.
Some things don't change, even if they have their leader back by the looks of it.
"Well, raise your hand if you are certainly disenchanted with our little pleasant earth vacation."
Crosshair interrupted, making me groan.
None of them has even noticed the other humans.
What if they had trackers on them?
Or weapons that can disintegrate autobots and just tricked Optimus into leading them to the others?
Aren't they supposed to be more aware of their surroundings?
I questioned myself, staring at the female of the group.
She was beautiful, long blonde wavy hair, tanned skin, blue eyes and an hourglass figure.
Great, now I'm self conscious again.
I sigh, looking into Ratchet's rear mirror.
Brown, nearly black hair, grayish green eyes with brown dots and skin so light, I sometimes could describe it as white.
Shadows around my eyes, chapped lips.
And no matter how much sport I did, no matter how often I skipped meals, I just couldn't get my figure to look like hers.
But, this isn't the time to think about my looks.
More like, when I will be introduced.
Ratchet can't stay in his alt mode forever after all.
Suddenly, Crosshair had pointed a gun at the humans, Hound not far behind, only to be stopped by Optimus.
"Stop Hound, both of you! They've risked their lives for mine."
Crosshair sigh.
"Great, more of that kind. As if one wasn't enough already."
The red and blue autobot leader looked at him.
"And what do you mean with that?"
The green bot only pointed to Ratchet, who then transformed, holding me carefully in his servos.
"Erm, hi?"
I greeted awkwardly, scratching the back of my head with my right hand.
"And how do you know she is safe?"
He asked his friends.
"Well, she was hunted by cemetery wind before finding me, didn't report me, told me where to find the others, kind of helped me help Ratchet and is vouched for by Sam."
Drift counted down on his fingers.
"I'm Sapphire Spencer, the cousin of the girlfriend of Sam Witwickey."
I introduced myself.
"He gave me this for my birthday once."
I held out my left arm, the bracelet and autobot symbol gleaming in the sun.
The tallest bot blinked, before nodding.
"Very well."

Age of extinction - Transformers rewriteWhere stories live. Discover now