Chapter 5

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"Great job girly. Now Sapphire is angry."
Crosshair grumbled annoyed.
If he was a robot, he would be glaring at her right now.
All of them would.
Well, besides Optimus, he would probably be disappointed.
"What do I care if she is angry? At least she is in this mess willingly."
Tessa bit back, glaring at Drift's car beside them.
"Tes, I think you should stop."
Shane told her carefully.
"Why? Huh? Why should I?"
"You're making her friends angry. Do you want the aliens here that are protecting us, angry at you?"
She glared, huffed and then turned to look out the window.
Meanwhile, me and Drift were joking about the other cars driving by, and if their driver chose his outfit for his car or not.
"I have a question."
He interrupted our little game suddenly.
I looked up, kicking my shoes off to tuck my knees under my chin.
"Sure, what is it?"
I asked, tilting my head.
"I will answer to the best of my abilities."
"When the other female human.."
I laughed a bit.
"You can call her by her name or designation, whatever you prefer, you know?"
His voice sounded so strange, that it caused me to imagine him in his robot form, making a grimace at saying her name alone.
That made me giggle a bit, before abruptly stopping.
I haven't giggled in years.
No way I start now.
"So, yes? Please continue your question."
"Right. Why did Tessa."
His voice again stranger.
"When she counted off all the things that make her better than you, she counted her looks? Why not count her strength? Or her abilities? That's how, if they get in an argument, femmes settle it. The one with the most strength and the best abilities wins."
I tilted my head again, thinking how to explain it the best.
"Well, there is of course, the difference in the species. For us, you are aliens, that focus on different things than we do, and of course, have a different view of the world. For you, it's exactly the same. Our world and behavior are different from what you are used to."
Drift hummed.
"While that is correct, I still don't understand."
"Well, erm, how do I explain this with cybertronian words? Erm, you do know what our words 'love' and 'body types' mean. Right?"
"Yes? What does that have to do with anything?"
"Well, us humans fall in love and out of it. And, that doesn't only depend on our heart, but also our mind. In the age I am in right now, Tessa and Shane as well, you will find guys leaning towards females who are similar to Tessa. Like hair and eye color matching; nice, graceful figure; tan; a sweet voice, anything that set's the girl above the crowd if they go out, but not too much that the looks they will get aren't envious but gleeful. Humans can fall in love with the character of a person, but then hate them if their body does not exceed their wishes of how it should look."
I explained.
"For example, my eyes are a mix of three colors, three different colors while Tessa's are a mix of different blue. If we only go after the eyes, Tessa wins out because her eye color isn't illogical."
Drift was silent, causing me to look over to the steering wheel.
"Is everything alright?"
I asked, seating myself back to normal.
"I'm trying to figure out why you look so down."
Finally came the answer.
Huh? Guess I talked myself down again.
I smiled.
"Don't worry, it's nothing."
"Yeah, Imma not gonna believe that."
He answered, tightening the seat belt around me.
I pouted.
"Why not?"
He chuckled.
"You may be an excellent hacker, but you can't hide your emotions very well."
I sigh.
"Sorry, self worth complex."
He was silent again.
The sender on his radio began switching, making me tilt my head in question, till 'What makes you beautiful' began to play.
I smiled a bit, closing my eyes and enjoying the song.
"I didn't know I needed that."
I told him after the song was finished.
He hummed, driving inside the now reached abandoned building after Bee.
"So, how long are we gonna stay here?"
I asked Optimus, seating myself onto a dusted bench.
"However long it takes to find useful information."
He told me, looking down.
Meanwhile, Drift was glaring at Tessa since he had transformed back, making her cower behind Shane.
"Do you know what is wrong with Drift?"
The autobot leader now asked me in return.
I looked over to the blue bot, then at Tessa before shrugging.
"I have absolutely no clue."
I walked over to Cade, who was now telling the two lovers to go and steal some stuff, making me shake my head.
"I will go get my own one. Anything you need?"
I asked him, causing us to gain immediate attention from the other bots.
"No way in hell."
They said in union, Optimus looking at them in surprise.
"Would you look at that, they can agree on things."
He murmured, blinking.
"How do you plan on stopping me?"
I instead questioned, looking at them challenging.
"We could lock you in one of our alt modes."
I nodded.
"That would work."
Then I stepped around them, opening the door and putting a mask around my mouth.
"If you could catch me without causing suspicion."
I walked out the door and began my trek through the city.
Truth be told, I didn't actually plan on going out to steal, I just wanted to visit the graveyard to see the graves of my grandparents.
I walked through it, stopping at the mass graveyard that was made after the disaster four years ago.
With a sigh, I began walking again, looking over the names.
I so wasn't ready for this.
Stopping in front of the graves, I finally looked at the engravement, halting.
Beloved friends, siblings and parents, died in the attack due to a collapsing building.
This wasn't right.
My hands shook as I took out a piece of paper, writing down on it and sticking it onto the small bush that was blooming there.
Beloved friends, parents, grandparents and siblings, who fought bravely to protect their family and died through the hands of the decepticon Megatron.
As I walked back to the hideout, I saw a black SUV following me.
Are they serious right now? That's so obvious. What do they think I will do, lead them to the bots? Yeah, keep dreaming.
I walked towards a store and went inside, buying myself two cups of cold coffee, a hot chocolate and a bottle of water, as well as dried fruits.
Walking out from the other exit on the site of the building, I began walking again, searching for a public toilet.
Once I found one, I waited till it was free, before entering and closing it, stripping myself off my shoes, trousers, jacket and sweater and searched them through.
Could be possible that they had installed a tracker that none of us had found.
Coming up with nothing, I decided that it had been a coincidence, but I still left the clothes I had worn that day in the room and dressed again.
Just in case.
Tessa and Shane were already back when I returned, making the blonde smirk.
"Got lost?"
She asked, making me roll my eyes.
"Got followed and made sure I didn't have a tracker on me."
I replied, earning a concerned look from all autobots.
"Nothing happened."
I told them, then turned to the floor, where a mouthwash was lying.
"And what is that for?"
I questioned.
"Pretty sure it doesn't fall under the word essentials."
Shane grinned.
"I got that. I like to be fresh when I'm making out with his daughter."
"We definitely have different opinions of what is supposed to be essential. I think I was a bit more successful."
I pulled out the nuts and dried fruits, making Ratchet groan, as well as already cut bread, the coffee and my hot chocolate, which was cold by now.
"Considering you two have your mouthwash, you can share a coffee."
I handed Shane one cup before handing Cade the other who took it with a smile and a 'thank you' making me nod and smile at him in return.
Then, I opened my own cup and began drinking.
"Aww, look, she's a child that still drinks hot chocolate."
Tessa said with a grin.
"Well, at least I know that my body doesn't like coffee and don't even drink it, instead of all the others, who drink it and then wonder, why they get ill."
I replied, continuing to drink.
"Well, Imma gonna go and get us our tickets inside. Can you drive me Optimus?"
Cade asked, making the bot nod and transform, driving off to KSI.
"Hey girl."
I sigh, looking over.
"What now Tessa?"
"Please don't tell me you're flirting with my father. I mean, I wouldn't have anything against a stepmother, but you are a bit too ugly for my taste."
I blink, then laugh.
"No, I'm not flirting with your father. Not really my type, thank you very much, besides, I'm only three years older than his daughter, so that's just weird. And, I wouldn't want someone with your attitude as my stepdaughter anyway. It's just, he is like the only other, the situation actually understanding human adult I can talk too. You two just behave like children."
A metalern sound made me turn around and face Drift, who had just flung his sword across the room.
"You ok Drift? You normally aren't unconcentrated enough to let your sword go while practicing."
I voiced my concern to him, making him sigh.
"Sorry, she is getting on my nerves."
Bee patted his shoulder to make him understand that the yellow bot knew how he felt, and I nodded in agreement.
"It's getting on the nerves of all of us."
I told him, turning when I heard Optimus and Cade approaching.
The badge they had photographed was then copied onto with our pictures by Bee, and we went over our plan of how to infiltrate the building.
As soon as that was done, I went over to a bench to sleep on, getting stopped by Drift, who picked me up and transformed, letting his seat down and turning the heater up a bit, making me fall asleep faster and ignoring the protests of Tessa.

Age of extinction - Transformers rewriteWhere stories live. Discover now