Chapter 1

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"Hey, as we are now traveling together, what's your designation?"
I stared at the dashboard confused.
"What's a designation? Got any examples?"
Silence, then.
"My designation is Drift."
"Oh, you mean my name. I'm Sapphire Spencer. I think you guys know my cousin Carly."
The bot just stayed silent.
The first time we talked was when I found out there was an autobot in the barn I slept in, and all I knew was his name.
"How do you know where to search?"
"I hacked the military satellite they use and found every listed autobot sighting. The one we are looking for..."
I took out a book with all my gathered data from now and four years ago from my backpack.
"Has the ... designation? Ratchet."
I read out loud.
"Well, at least we have a medic once we found him."
Then, we continued driving in silence.
Before he suddenly hit the brakes in the middle of the street.
"You did WHAT to get on their wanted list!!?"
I was thrown forward and nearly headbutted the dashboard, even with the security belt around me.
"Gee, a little warning would be..."
I was interrupted by two pairs of giant feet landing in front of Drift's car mode.
"What the..."
I looked up through the windscreen at the two giant, battling robots.
"Hold on."
Drift shifted, and soon after stood beside the bot with the autobot symbol, pointing his sword at the other.
"There are two of you here now? I wasn't informed about this."
The bot across from us raged, spitting green liquid with every word.
I was shielded from the spray by Drifts servos, where I was still held in a frist to shield me completely from sight.
Before the other could attack, he stopped, his eyes gleaming manically.
"I will take care of you later. I got a better 'bait' to catch."
With that he transformed, vanishing.
"Thank you Drift. I don't know how much longer I could have held him off."
Drift tilted his head as a sign that he received the thanks, bringin the hand with me in it up to the height of their optics.
"It actually wasn't me who found you."
"No? Then how are you here?"
Drift opened his servofist, revealing me to the other autobot.
"A human?"
The others hand were blades faster than I could see, pointing directly at my neck.
"Ratchet, cease your anger."
"She is a human. They allied themselves with decepticons."
"Actually, she is vouched for."
The blades were taken away from me, but still out.
"Sam and Carly vouched for her."
The other bots' optics narrowed, looking down at me.
"You don't happen to have a silver bracelet on which a red and blue autobot symbol is on?"
Confused, I held up my left arm, tugging down a bit of the sleeve of my jacket to reveal it.
"You mean this one?"
The bot's blades retracted and he gave a sigh.
"Very well. I guess we can work with her. But."
His blades were back, pointing at my neck.
"If you ever make a move that even looks like betrayal, I will personally kill you in the most painful way I know."
I tilted my head, then nodded.
"If I betray you, I will let you without running."
And the blades were once again removed from my personal space.
"Well, while I'm happy that you have reunited, we need to get moving before that creepy bot comes back and kills us."
They transformed and I once again sat in Drift's passenger seat.
"Where to next?"
He asked me.
"Why would you ask the human that?"
Ratchet asked, confused.
"Because I have a full book of information on you all from hacking military satellites."
"How old please are you to hack military satellites?"
"Twenty. I hacked the military four years ago by accident the first time as both of our parties tried to hack the same bridge for the soldiers."
"And how do you know where to find us now?"
"I hacked cementry wind like three weeks ago to get information on where you guys could be. I wanted to thank you all for saving my life in Chicago. It's what caused me to try and hack into their satellite. And, I succeeded. I copied every information on every autobot sighting I could find from the last two months. Some of them are dead from what I could find, but the ones that I know are alive or unknown dead are Bumblebee, Hound, Crosshair and Optimus. And you two I guess."
"We are the only ones left?"
I nodded.
"Well, that's sad."
"Yeah, I know. Can't promise those with unknown faith are still around."
We continued in silence.
"Where are the other places we can find them?"
"Try Vegas."
Was my only comment, looking out the window again, glancing at the sun.
"Who even was that? The decepticon I mean."
"Lockdown. He is a hunter. Wonder what bait he meant."
Ratchet answered.
I sat up a bit straighter.
"In which direction did he leave."
"A bit eastways to where we two just came from."
I stiffened.
"If I didn't leave with you, it would be around the direction where I would be now."
"He is searching for the last human helpers we could have."
Ratchet whispered.
"And I'm one of them through Carly and Sam."
I starred out the windshield in horror.
It might have been my hope to find and help them, but not being hunted by a giant decepticon for it.
Around seven p.m I took out a small box with nuts, chewing on them for dinner.
"You seriously need something else than nuts."
Ratchet stated.
I snorted.
"Yeah? Try buying normal food while on the run."
At ten I fell asleep, wondering where we would land.

Age of extinction - Transformers rewriteWhere stories live. Discover now