Chapter 4

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That night, we stayed at the place we met.
I sat across the other humans on the ground, a campfire between us.
I shivered, pulling my jacket out of my backpack.
"So, who are you?"
I asked, trying to start a conversation.
"I'm Cade Yeager, this is my daughter Tessa,"
He pointed at the blonde girl who had her head on the other guy's shoulder.
"And that is Shane."
He pointed at the guy, an angry look on his face.
I blinked.
"Ok, what am I missing?"
"He is twenty dating my seventeen year old daughter and she didn't even tell me about it."
"Only because you said I can't have a boyfriend till I'm twenty-two."
She complained.
I raised an eyebrow.
"Girl, I'm twenty and let me tell you, it's better to have an overprotective father than a clingy and hateful boyfriend."
She huffed, glaring at me.
"And of course someone three years older than me knows so much more."
I shrugged.
"I don't really know better, I just had a relationship from sixteen to seventeen and it ended not healthy. Be at least glad that your father is still around to try and protect you."
She just rolled her eyes.
"Who invited you again?"
She asked annoyed.
I took that as my sign to stand up and walk over to the bots.
"Hey Ratchet, can you please take a look at my knee? It's itching again."
He turned around to me and let me sit on his hand, so that he could sit me down on a rock, where he could see better at my, in comparison to theirs, small leg and knee.
"Attention Seeker."
Tessa murmured from somewhere behind me, but I ignored her.
Optimus stood beside me, looking down a bit.
"What happened?"
He asked, one of his digits brushing over the scar forming on my knee, a bit of blood still sometimes leaking out.
"I was shot when Savory wanted answers."
I replied shortly.
"Yeah, please do not remind me of that. I might get angry enough to search and kill him."
Drift remarked.
"I agree. There was so much .... Blood, the humans call it."
Crosshair agreed with him.
"Aww. And here I thought you didn't care about me at the time."
He huffed and turned away.
"Now, hold still."
Ratchet sayed, carefully scanning the wound.
Behind, at the campfire, I heard one of the others shuffle and then huff.
"Do we really need to keep them?"
Hound asked, looking at Optimus.
I looked at him.
"And here I thought that you would want me around longer. I'm hurt."
"Sorry kiddo. Wasn't talking about you."
I just stuck my tongue out at him.
"Yes, they saved me and now get hunted too."
Optimus told him, looking over the rock at the humans, two of them now sleeping.
Ratchet told me, patting my knee.
I smiled at him, seating myself into his hand to be let down.
Instead, he handed me over to Drift, who then transformed around me, letting down the passenger's seat for me to lay and sleep on.
I sigh, laying down and falling asleep.
The next morning, I was awoken by screaming, and if I hadn't been in a car, I probably would have fallen off the seat.
"Who got murdered?"
I asked, still half asleep.
Came Drift's kind voice from the steering wheel.
"The girl is just complaining that none of the others made the offer to let her sleep in their alt modes, like you did."
I blinked, then shrugged.
"Well, she could have asked."
I exited and Drift transformed back.
"Why were you allowed to sleep inside without asking and I didn't?"
I stared at her, then turned to Ratchet and Bumblebee.
"I need to ask? Why didn't any of you tell me that?"
"We were with you long enough that you don't need to ask."
Ratchet finally sayed.
"Well, you all could have asked me if I wanted to sleep inside."
Crosshair and Hound looked at her, before huffing.
"Forget it. Especially with this attitude."
Bee and Ratchet just shook their heads and Drift pointed at me.
"I already let someone sleep in my car mode."
"Daddy, tell them that I need to sleep inside."
She complained, making Cade sigh.
"Sweety, you are old enough to solve your own problems."
Tessa huffed, before walking over to Shane and crying to him.
"I do not need to understand this."
I shook my head.
Was I also this whiny at seventeen?
"So, what now?"
I asked, turning to Optimus.
"We will infiltrate KSI."
My eyes began gleaming.
"Cool, I'm definitely going."
Cade turned to me.
"Yeah, no. You will stay with Tessa."
I stared at him, stemming my fists into my hips.
"First of all, I'm your best bet for information gathering as I can hack.
Second, no way in hell will I stay with her."
I pointed to Tessa.
"And third of all, I'm an adult and you aren't my parent. Any other complaints about me going?"
Cade just sighs, shaking his head before walking back to his daughter and her boyfriend, together climbing into Optimus vehicle mode.
I looked around and saw Drift and Bumblebee driving towards each side of Optimus.
Shortly before, Drift stopped and opened his driver door, letting me in.
"Thanks for letting me drive with you."
I heard him laugh before he took his place on Optimus left, we all drove off.
"Wait, we are going to Chicago?"
I suddenly asked, nearly accidentally hitting Drift's breaks.
"You just realized?"
He asked surprised.
"Yeah, I kind of forgot that their headquarters are there. I didn't really want to go back there."
"Well, sorry, but you kind of need to."
I nodded.
"Yeah, I've realized."
"So, wanna listen in on the others?"
He asked, his radio already switching.
I grinned, it was always fun to listen to the other bots, their fights and their normal conversations, especially when they didn't know you were listening.
"But I don't wanna sleep in a church. No matter if it is old and abandoned or not."
I heard Tessa's voice over the radio, making me cringe at the volume.
"Listen girly, Sapphire never complained, and she literally slept in a barn and a cave and sometimes one of our seats without complaint. You are on the run. Get your priorities straight."
Hound, the one who, besides Crosshair, I spent the least time with, told her.
"I don't care if that uneducated.."
I raised an eyebrow.
I literally was in college, last semester, before I went on the run.
"So, you know how to hack and learn a bit of cybertronian? As well as speak four languages?"
Ratchet now asked, sounding pretty much done with her.
"Daddy, Lucas told you to report the truck, why didn't you? If you did, we would have the money we need, Lucas would be alive and we wouldn't need to listen to those robots badmouthing me. What does the other girl have that I don't?"
She went on about her looks and why she was better than me, till I had enough.
I tapped Drift's radio, making sure they could hear me.
"I have a countesness, which is something you seem to lack. Do you think cemetery wind would have let you be free or live?"
I snorted.
"Keep dreaming."
I switched to a news channel, cutting us out of the conversation.

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