Chapter 2

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Next time I opened my eyes, Drift served out of the way of a missle.
"Ok, what did I miss?"
"Cemetery wind found us."
I pointed into an alleyway.
"Let me out over there."
He served out the way again.
"Are you crazy?"
"You and Ratchet need to be able to transform and fight to your full capability if Lockdown shows up. You can't do that while holding me."
I hit the door beside me and opened my seatbelt.
"Do you have a death wish?"
"Go on, continue going straight, then drive towards the tallest building in the street, turn right after it and continue. If I'm right you should find an autobot symbol there somewhere. I will meet you two there."
He sighs, opening his door right into the alleyway and letting me out.
As soon as my feet hit the ground, I once again sprinted through the backstreets.
When I reached the next street, I found my way blocked by several black SUV's.
I turned around and was blocked by men in black suits.
Double shit.
Turning towards the house beside me, I heard the sound of propellers, causing me to look up.
Triple shit.
They had me cornered.
I turned back to the SUV's, where a man was now exiting, wearing sunglasses.
Overdramatic much?
"Yeah? Can I help you?"
I fully turned to him.
"Sapphire Spencer. Twenty years old. Cousin of Carly Spencer, who is a known autobot contact. Nice to meet you Ms. Spencer. I'm Savory. James Savory. And I think you have something we want."
I raise an eyebrow.
"No? I'm actually pretty sure I don't."
I'm so glad I left my backpack in Drift's car mode. Even by accident.
"Ah, it looks like our opinions differ there."
He took off his sunglasses in what should have been a dramatic gesture.
It just made me want to laugh.
Someone really should have told him that that only works if you are the one getting weapons pointed at you, not the other way around.
"Now tell me. Where are the autobots that got you here? There is no way, you were able to first go to Okohama and then to Vegas in two days only if you didn't have help from them. And they are the only ones that would help you."
"I have no idea what you are talking about."
I replied, glancing at the guns pointed at me.
"Do we really need to do this the hard way?"
He asked, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"There is an easy way?"
I replied in the same voice.
The man nodded to someone behind me and shortly after, I felt a sharp pain in my head, before my eyes rolled back, rendering me uncouncess.
When I woke up again, I was in the back of one of those SUV's, driving across a land route.
"Ah, awake again. As you can see, none of your autobot friends have come to save you. So are you ready to comply now?"
Savory asked me from across.
"Actually, I think I just hit my head. Who are you?"
I asked, trying to throw him off.
He growled and hit the seat beside me.
"Don't you dare play games with me."
I tilted my head.
"And besides, what autobot are you talking about? Aren't they in hiding?"
"That's it."
He got out a gun and shot my knee making me blink.
"That hurt! Why would you do that?"
Tears gathered in the corners of my eyes, biting my lip, I held them back.
(That's legit my reaction when I hurt myself more than a scratch. I don't even scream, just wonder what the hell I just did. So, this is my real life reaction to getting hurt.)
"You tell me where the bots are right now and I won't shoot your other knee."
He threatened, pointing at my left knee.
The car suddenly served, throwing both of us out of the seats.
"Driver, what has gotten into you?"
I looked up and through the window, seeing two familiar cars speeding towards us with three others following.
I crawled towards the door, pulling the handle.
"You want to know where the autobots are?"
I asked, making him look at me.
I smirked.
"Right out here."
I threw myself against the door, forcing it open and myself out of the car, letting go of the handle.
Landing on hard floor, I rolled a bit before coming to a stop and began cowering, hearing the familiar shift of wires and armor before being picked up and finding myself in an unfamiliar car.
I looked around, seeing Drift's car mode as well as a yellow one speed past the one I was in and fire at the SUV I sat in minutes ago.
"You ok?"
I asked, finally realizing in which car I sat.
The seatbelt fastened around me, and I felt cool air hitting my knee and head, making me hiss.
"You need immediate medical attention."
He instead informed me, speeding up too.
"Yeah? Well, thanks for the information, but I kind of already guessed that."
We drove past the crashed SUV and besides the yellow car.
"Bee, we need to stop. She has injuries."
The yellow bot left the street, driving towards a cave, where he stopped and then transformed, leading the others to follow his lead.
"Guess you two found everyone else who was in Vegas."
I grinned at the two bots I had traveled with shortly.
"Yeah, and us finding them caused you to get shot and have a concussion as well as a cracked wrist."
Ratchet listed, making Drift look at me in worry and anger.
"I told you we could take care of it, even if you were with us. Now look at where leaving got you."
I bowed my head in apology, the movement making my vision swim.
"So you are the human with immunity. I need to say, you don't look like much."
I looked up at the bot who spoke, followed by the others.
"Crosshair, be nice."
The yellow bot scolded with different voices.
"Erm, hi? I apologize that you needed to rescue me."
The one bot who hadn't spoken till then spat and turned his back to me.
"Hey Drift, can I have my backpack please?"
I asked, turning to the blue bot.
"No, I will first give you first aid. Can't have you bleeding out."
Ratchet said, letting me off on a stone at the high of his face before he left to search for things to use.
After he finally cleared me, I grabbed my backpack and took my book as well as a lighter out of it.
Drift looked at me in surprise.
"That's every information you found at the military about us. What do you.."
I used the lighter to create a flame, holding the book over it and letting it become consumed by the flames, letting it fall when I felt the heat on my hand, watching it land on the ground and be reduced to ashes.
Then, my face became innocent.
"No sire, I don't have documents about the autobots. That's illegal. Their movement? No, I don't know where the last autobot sightings were or from where they could have come. Don't you have someone working for you already looking it up? Oh, you lost your data three weeks ago? Sorry to hear, how did that happen?"
All the bots looked at me, speechless.
"They knew I copied their files and destroyed some of them, so the only way to get them was me. But now, I don't have the files either."
I pointed to the ash that was beginning to dispatch.
"You just literally burned the guide of how to find and recognise autobots. If you weren't on their wanted list before, you certainly are now."

Age of extinction - Transformers rewriteWhere stories live. Discover now