Chapter 9

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"Dad, I'm tired of running and stealing."
Tessa told Cade softly, as we entered an abonded part for no longer used trains.
"Place to sleep."
Cade said instead, climbing onto the next best train.
I placed a hand onto Tessa's shoulder, handing her a paper.
She raised an eyebrow, taking it.
'Reasons why I do not agree with my father.

He does not listen when i tell my concerns.

He does not get hints, even if they are obvious.

He does not listen.'

She smiled, shaking her head slightly.
"Mine isn't finished, but you will get it tomorrow."
"I hold you to it."
Some time later, Tessa laid curled up in two seets, sleeping while Cade and Shane were talking, making me shake my head and climb out of the train, and onto the container roof.
To my side somewhere, I was able to hear Optimus talking with the others in silent voices, more than once Ratchet placed a servo onto Hounds or Crosshaires, making them lower their guns.
Shaking my head, I looked up, surprised that I was able to see the stars from where we were.
Scraping beside me made me turn my head, seeing the small bot from the lab.
"You know, you made quite the fuss."
He stated.
"Don't know how you get that idea."
He sat down beside me, still a lot of space between us.
"Don't believe me, eh?"
I shake my head.
"To be honest, it feels like they don't care as much as I though they did."
"Oh, they do. But they still don't know how to express it. For them, for the last four years, humans were enemies. And now, we have four helping us. It's a stretch, even for us, who have seen and experienced a lot."
I shrugged.
"But, they still want to leave."
He tilted his head to look up to me.
"Is it, that they want to leave and have you exposed to cementery wind that you fear, or them leaving in general that you fear?"
I looked down at my hands in my lap, thinking.
"Well, at the beginning, when I found Drift and Ratchet, I would have feared exposure to cementery wind more than anything. But now, it's the fear of being alone again. I felt more alive the last months I was with them than I did for four years surrounded by humans."
"But you do not wish to see them hurt."
He continued, making me look at him sharply.
"No! Why would I. They are like family."
He tilted his head again and stood up.
"I will leave you to your thought now."
I did nothing to stop him, watching him walk back to the others.
The next morning, Drift informed us of the wereabouts of the CEO of KSI.
If he really was about to help us, now I should really start learning his name.
I stood beside Tessa, who watched with me how Cade called the guy to inform him about Megatron.
"Is your list finished?"
I whispered to her.
She put a strand of hair back beind her ear.
"I'll wait."
"You really don't have another chance."
"How fast can that thing get us halfway around the world."
Cade asked after the call.
Drift answered, sharpening his sword.
I shortly caught his eyes, before huffing and turning around, making Tessa look behind me shortly, before she scribbled something down.
"It's a spaceship."
Drift finished the explanation, making me nearly groan.
Yeah, because that totally makes sense as an explanation.
A bit later again, Tessa and me watched from behind a tree as several police cars and helicopters approached.
"If we're traveling, now is the time."
Hound told us, after Cade and Shane came to, also taking a look.
Do not react to him, you are still ignoring them.
Tessa laid a hand on my shoulder, signalling that we needed to go.
"Move, we are retrieving the seed. But then we are done, defending the humans."
Optimus said, making me glare at him.
Yeah, and leave us four to fend for ourselves. Thank you very much.
He seems to forget us quite often, now that I think of it.
"What done? What do you mean done?"
Cade asked, jogging to keep up with Tessa and me.
"Means finished. See you. Goodbye."
Crosshair evaporated.
"Yeah, I think that wasn't what your father ment."
I whispered to Tessa.
"It certainly wasn't."
Just as we were leaving the ground, the police cars arrived.
Well, pretty sure they can't do anything to us up here.
I though, leaning against a wall.
Around sunrise there, we reached China, and Cade took exactly that moment to have a talk with Optimus.
"When you said you were done fighting for humans, you didn't mean that. Did you?"
Cade asked, having forgotten that I was nearly right next to him.
Or they thought I was asleep.
"How many more of my kind must be sacrificed, to atorn for your mistakes."
"What do you think being human means? That's what we do."
I sigh, sitting up, making both of them look at me.
"What he means is, yes, we humans make mistakes. We make mistakes, and we grow on them. Mistakes can become challenges we need to take on. But mistakes can also be fixed. You are right, a live can't be given back. No living being is able to do so. But what should I say. I could ask you, how many more of our species needs to die because of your war? We may be more than you all number wise, but think about it. Are the situations really so different?"
Optimus stared at me, making me shrug and stand up, walking to where Shane and Tessa are.
I sat beside them, a bit of space between us.
For the first time in a while, even if I was on an alien spaceahip with seven other beings and three other humans, I felt alone.
I pushed my knees below my chin, making me sit my head down, glancing around.
Tessa and Shane were still sleeping, Optimus and Cade still talking, the others flying the spaceship.
I allowed my tears to flow.
They came slow and careful at first, sliding down my cheeks, till something broke and I fully burried my head in my knees, the only indication that I was crying my shaking shoulders.
I didn't feel myself being picked up and carried somewhere, nor did I feel the change of seating, but after some time, I felt a very giant finger gently drawing circles on my back to calm me down.
Looking up, I realized that, by whoever, I had been placed into Drift's servo, who was trying to calm me down in any way he could probably find on the internet.
Whipping my tears away, I smiled slightly at him.
"Sorry for that."
He just shook his head, a slight smile on his faceplate, till he walked over to the others again.
I suddenly felt tired, even if I just woke up, but the servos of the autobots were always so warm, the opposite of the metal floor I had slept on minutes ago, making me curl up again and fall asleep.

Age of extinction - Transformers rewriteحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن