Chapter 11

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Prince.. Farris?


The Carriage journeyed flawlessly through the skies, Farris is currently looking out the window while Silas sleeps, after everything he went through.

"Your Highness, you must be hungry, do you need something to eat?" An Assassin asked, and Farris was indeed hungry.

"Yes, please." He said and the Assassin just nodded before lifting her own hand while her eyes turned purple. Farris couldn't make out if the Assassin was a female or male. But according to the sound of the voice, he is guessing that the person must be a woman.

Suddenly, a plate of chocolate cookies appeared on the Assassin's hand and gave it to Farris.

"I have the power of teleportation, speed and reflex." The Assassin said before bowing and opening the door to the other place in the carriage.

Farris wouldn't even understand how the carriage is made of, it is obviously small on the outside but it is very modern and bigger in the inside. And this was the first time he had known that there were actually carriages that flies.

As soon as Farris took a bite on the cookie he is currently holding, Silas woke up and looked at Farris.

"Food? Cookie? Can I have one?" He asked Immediately that made Farris laugh a little.

He then pushed the plate of cookies toward Silas before taking another bite on his.

Silas immediately took a cookie and gave it a big bite.

"Are you really that hungry?" Farris asked.

"You bet, I am utterly confused of all that had just happened, you being a prince, an outnumbered and, and— And Everything!"

"We'd rather call ourselves Pawarsis." The door opened revealing a man with an assassin outfit with no mask.

"My apologies, good day your highness, and his highness' friend. I'm Nero and I'm here to tell you that we will be landing soon." The Assassin announced and Farris just nodded skeptically.

After a few minutes, Farris and Silas felt the carriage beginning to land.

He couldn't see what was outside since the window was covered in curtains and he's not in the mood to open it.

As the carriage finally landed, someone opened the door revealing countless people smiling brightly on the sides of the carriage and long red carpet designed with purple flowers.

"Our prince has finally arrived!" The guard said with a loud voice and all the people cheered, but what shocked Farris and Silas more were the loud roars that reached their ears.

Turning their head more to the side, they saw four giant dragons with their wings spreading around them.

He never believed that dragons were actually real but one—no, four dragons are already in front of him!

He immediately removed his gaze from the creatures and instead, roamed his eyes around the people.

"Your highness, right this way please." An old man said, gesturing them where to go before walking towards it himself.

Farris looked at Silas before nodding towards where the old man is going to be leading them, Silas followed.

As soon as they were finally inside the palace, the door closed slowly.

"Welcome back home, young prince." The old man said with a smile. "I can sense your confusion and the seeking of answers like a prisoner of a dark place trying to discover light. Your uncle would love to have the honors to tell you, but he is currently taking a rest, so we might need you to stay inside your room for now, or if you'd like, I could give you a tour." The old man said, Farris smiled before bowing.

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