Chapter 6

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The Battle.


"Farris.. you.. Uhh.. I'm still glad you didn't change. You're far more superior than the other power bearers, so of course I'm just like an ant even if I'm a prince.. but you still chose to be friends with me." Silas said that caused Farris to looked at him confused. Silas looked and saw Farris' expression so he continued.

"Power bearers often look down on me even though I'm a prince, because I don't have a power. I'm not that shock about you having so many of them. I'm more shock that even with you having more power than those who look down on me, you still remained my friend. Even my cousins look down on me, only my brother, father and mother treats me like a treasure." Silas said with a sigh.

Farris felt hurt knowing how much his friend had suffered from other people. Maybe worse than what he had suffered himself. Especially that Silas is a prince and people would always expect the best from a royal.

Farris walked over to Silas and patted his left shoulder with a smile.

"No one else deserves to be my friend except you. You're the only one who accepted me and endured my rudeness when we were young. That showed me you are a real friend. I would rather have a true friend than have friends who might have great powers but never even liked me from who I was before." Farris said with a smile.

Silas smiled back before standing up and punching Farris' arm playfully. Farris laughed before speaking.

"You feel better now? Because I'm a little bored." Farris said, sitting on a sofa.

"Well, we still have 15 minutes before Dinner, so I want to show you my paintings and favorite swords." Silas said, clasping his hands.

"You paint?" Farris asked with an astonished expression. There really is a lot of things he still didn't know about his bestfriend.

They went to see Silas' painting and Farris admits that Silas does know how to paint amazing things.

"Of course I do. I'm not just good in swordsmanship you know." Silas said.

"Well, what else can you do?" Farris asked, looking around.

"Only that, it's my hobby. Nothing more." Silas said with a shrug. Farris just nodded, touching one of the paintings.

Suddenly, they heard a bell rang which startled Farris.

"It's dinner time, let's go, 'Ris." Silas said before walking first, Farris sighed heavily before walking after him.

"So, Farris, is it?" The man asked while slicing on a meat that was served.

"Yes, your majesty." Farris said, staring at his food.

"Well, my son wants to go on an adventure with you. But before that, he needs to make sure he is ready to go in the wild, and if he is close to losing, you must help him or else." The king said with a commanding tone.

Farris nodded immediately, the power radiating from Silas' father is a little powerful than his king. He feels like this is the love of a father for his son— that he never felt.

"Good, but since your my son's friend you do not need to bow like that as if you're afraid of me." The king said before eating a meat.

"Yes, your majesty." Farris said politely and started eating quietly.

After a few minutes, the king stood up, indicating that dinner is done before speaking.

"Son, you have 30 minutes before the fight." The king said and he started walking towards Silas and patting his head. "You're a grown boy, do your best." The king said before walking away.

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