Chapter 8

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Third Member


"I just want to know, maybe my friend and I could help you." Silas said, scratching the back of his head.

The lady looked back at Farris and she felt flustered as soon as she saw him, she tried to hide her blush and look away.

"You can't help me, do you think you are capable enough to order my father who is a king?" The lady said with a deep glare.

"We can help you escape though, we are good at it." Silas said and Farris looked at him with an incredulous look, thinking that his friend might have gone mad.

The lady's face became softer and she asked.

"You are? Really? How? I really need to run away, but I cannot escape because my parents know my scent. Do you have any magical item to help me?" The lady asked with a hopeful expression.

Farris frowned, when the girl became soft, he saw the flowers glow for around three seconds and the lady's bottom of the hair turned green before it came back to it's original color, this took his interest on who this lady is.

Meanwhile, when Silas heard what the lady just said, he Immediately looked at Farris with a wide smile, Farris sighed deeply before looking at Silas in defeat.

"Fine." He raised his hand before creating a necklace that might work to hide any creature's scent then gave it to the lady.

She was stunned and looked at Farris before looking back at the necklace and taking it.

"It can hide your scent." Farris said. The lady decided to trust them, she doesn't have much choice. She wore the necklace and it then glowed and so did she. She sniffed the air and all she could smell were just leaves and flowers, she doesn't have a scent anymore.

She finally let down her guard a little and put on a small smile before holding the necklace.

"Thank you.." The lady trailed, looking at Farris.

"Farris, but you shouldn't thank me, my bestfriend Silas told me to do it for you, so you should thank him instead." Farris said before walking away and sitting on a grass. The lady then looked at Silas before thanking him.

"No worries, and I'm sorry about him. He's just not used to other people." Silas said with a big smile.

"You said that you guys are adventurers, right?" The lady asked.

"Yes, why?" Silas asked, Farris is just currently listening to them with his eyes closed.

"I was thinking if I could join you guys." The lady said with a smile, her eyes glittering. Silas felt like he is talking to an angel, his heart began to beat increasingly once again.

Farris was about to decline the lady when Silas answered first that made Farris' eyes to open widely.

"Sure thing, it will be fun." Silas said with a smile. Farris stood up while looking at his friend with disbelief.

"Silas, what's gotten into you? Are you sure about this?" Farris asked immediately, walking towards Silas. Silas looked at Farris with a smile of hope.

"Come on, Far. One more member wouldn't hurt, it will only be the three of us." Silas said pleadingly, the lady gave Farris a small smile.

He looked at the lady and thought, 'Well there is something I'm curious about her.'. Farris thought for a few seconds before nodding with a sigh.

"Marvelous!" The lady explained happily before showing a sweet smile which made Silas blush a little and it didn't escape Farris' eyes.

Now he knew why his friend is acting strange towards this lady, he chuckled a little but the both heard it.

"What's so funny, Fer?" Silas asked.

"Can I talk to you? Privately." Farris asked him with a smile, Silas shrugged his shoulders before nodding with a smile.

"Well, I'll be close to the waters." The lady said before walking away. Both of them also went to different direction, behind the trees.

"You like her, don't you?" Farris asked with a teasing smile. Silas looked at him with widened eyes before speaking.

"What? Why would I?" Silas asked, trying to act normal in front of Farris but it was in vain.

"Don't lie, Sil." Farris said that made the prince sigh.

Silas looked back at the person who is sitting on the ground with her feet dipped into the waters, she was also playing with the flowers.

"Well she is very pretty, and I like her sassy side that later also becomes a cute one." Silas said with a smile. Farris also smiled while looking at his friend who is in love.

"We don't even fully know her yet, though." Farris said and Silas just shrugged his shoulders.

"Whoever she really is, I'll still love her." Silas said, still gazing at the lady.

Farris laughed playfully before tapping Silas' back hard. "You better win her heart someday then." Farris said before giving him a smile and walking first, Silas followed.

"We're going." Farris said to the lady. She immediately stood up after hearing what Farris said and the three of them finally walked away.

"Do the both of you have a destination?" The lady asked them both as they shrugged their shoulders at her questions.

"Not that we know of, we're just currently exploring the rest of the world." Silas answered. The lady just nodded slowly. They were walking in silence when a monster stepped in front of them, growling hungrily.

Silas unsheathed his sword and pointed it toward the creature, putting his stance. He glanced at Farris since he's aware that he will not be able to beat the creature, it was too big.

The lady also looked at it, frightened. She does have a power but she doesn't have much control over it, and her bow and arrow are inside of Farris' bag, not that it could help anyway. The creature is too big for them.

Farris also felt the danger, especially when the creature raised its palm and was about to slam it on the lady and Silas when Farris immediately used his speed to rescue them and placed them behind a tree at the same time when two other monsters like that appeared in different directions.

He cursed under his breath and made it clear to the two person with him that he would fight the monster alone. Farris couldn't run far enough with him carrying them.

When he uses his speed to run with them at a far distance, he would weaken and they still wouldn't be able to escape. Farris knew that he could only fight the monsters to save their lives.

He read about these monsters on a book, and their weaknesses are somewhere between their backs or their neck, he just have to find where it is placed because they all have their weaknesses on their backs but some of them have a very very thin neck.

He revealed a fire and blasted one of it towards the neck of one of them, the monster roared in pain but it didn't bleed.

Farris sighed when the monsters spotted where the blast came from and he immediately activated his speed, running towards the opposite direction of where Silas and the lady are hiding.

He stopped and blasted a fire towards the other two and one of them fell to the ground without any sign of life anymore and its neck is bleeding. And now, Farris knew that the rest have the weaknesses on their back.

He looked around but before he could figure something out, he flew to the side as soon as he was hit by the monster's paw.

He landed on the hard ground before letting out a groan but his body started healing quickly, he immediately stood up and created something that might help him jump on the monster's back.

When the creation is finish, he sighed deeply. 'Hope this works.' Farris thought to himself before using it to jump continuously until he arrived successfully on the back of the monster without getting hit by its paw.

He let his sword out and was about to pierced it on the monster's back when the other one saw him and raised its palm up to hit him.

I published 3 chapters in 1 day to make it up for you guys, hope you liked it! Xx.

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