Luke James O2.

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Mission 2: Retrieving Files.

"Damn, she bad," Luke said as he watched the lady cross the street.

The black Maybach was parked at the end of the busy street as they prepared for their stakeout. Y/N shook her head in annoyance at his typical behaviour before turning her cap to the back, resting her head.

"Last time we did this you nearly had our asses blown off, James." She said as her eyes closed.

Luke let out a dry laugh, "So we're not gonna talk about how they nearly killed you for hacking into their systems? You seem to forget that you're the one with all the bright ideas that nearly kill us, sneaky fingers."

"You and your department need to stop calling me then." Y/N said as she smacked her teeth.

Luke paused for a while before speaking up, "I got something for that ass, stop playing with me. That smart mouth needs to be put in check."

"By who? Your fine chocolate ass?" Y/N blurted before rolling her eyes after seeing him smirk.

"Just say you want me baby, it ain't gon' kill you!" He laughed to himself as he snacked on some liquorice.

"Yeah, hold onto that compliment because it's never happening again." Y/N laughed.

The two always exchanged words like these all the time; it kept them going during the long hours. This part of the mission required Y/N to get as close to Marcus as possible so she could once again hack his computer systems. They were parked right outside the office building he owned, and once he got close, she would be able to use the tracker to access his files, the floor plan, his routes to how he transported the girls, the works. All this could be done on an untraceable device at the top of her fingers.

"And you're talking about ass a little too much lately, just shout-"

"Oh, shut up, James."




4:15 am...

Y/N and Luke had been in the black S-Class all night on the lookout, but it seemed like Y/N was on it by herself, as Luke was knocked out with the packet of sweets in his hand. Y/N was slowly dozing off when she saw their guy, making her sit up right immediately. "There he is, there he is!" She repeatedly tapped Luke's forearm while fixing her cap, preparing to walk out of the car.

"Man, you're hurting me!" Luke groaned as he adjusted his seat and started the car.

"Alright, I'm about to head out. Cover me!" She said as she got out and walked to match Marcus' speed.

He would casually stop to indulge in his conversation on the phone, making Y/N stop pretentiously as well until he walked off again.

The closer she got, the stronger her signal got, making the device load quicker. A frown appeared on her face when she noticed the loading stop. "Shit," she muttered as Marcus walked into the tall building.

"James, come in," she spoke into her earpiece softly but she got no response. Being quick on her feet as usual, Y/N walked into the building, pretending to be a visitor. Lucky enough for her, Marcus was still in the reception on another call. The device finally loaded to 100% and she ended the small talk.

"Hey," Marcus said, stopping her unexpectedly as she hid behind her cap. "Don't I know you?"


"Yeah, from the hiking trail, you were-"

"Mi no hablo, lo siento!" She dashed off, exiting the building before stopping at a corner to open the folders.

"Get her." Marcus instructed as the men did as told.

Y/N started running when she noticed a car follow behind her. Luke quickly swerved around the corner as she hopped in, making the men shoot at the car.




Mission 3: The Gala.

"So, ladies and gents, here we've got the floor plan of the building, and thanks to Y/N's illegal ways..." Captain Rhode looked up at her teasingly as the crew laughed.

"My illegal ways help you put criminals behind bars, Cap." She sassed back.

"We'll be able to retrieve all the women before anything happens to them, and place the bastard in jail." He finished off as they nodded.

"You all know your places, stick to the plan. Luke and Y/N will lead the operation and alert backup when necessary." Captain Rhode said as he dismissed them.

Y/N brushed her red silk dress before they headed off to the event. She actually shook her head in disgust at the thought of so many people attending an event to basically buy people. She and Luke eventually made it to the location and walked in hand in hand.

"Your ear piece is working, right?" Luke whispered as she nodded. They still posed as a couple.

"Alright, I've got the keys to the room where they're holding them hostage, obviously security is tight and this is where your sneaky fingers come into play once again." Luke said. They obviously weren't armed due to the nature of the event, so all Y/N had to do was pull her Ocean's Eight shenanigans and the bust would be seamless.

"I hope you know that just because you have the key, doesn't mean that's all it's gonna take to free those women..." she snarly told him as he smacked his teeth at the fact she was always ahead.

"... yeah, of course I knew that. And you need to stop acting like the Mike Lowrey of this duo." He joked.




"Hurry up, we already have a dead guy!" Luke rushed Y/N as she continued coding to hack into the password system.

"And that is your fault."

"Cap and the team are surrounding the place, it's only a matter of time before- shit!" Luke said as he walked over to Y/N and put the device into his pocket. She heard the voices soon after and Luke grabbed her and kissed her. She was caught off guard but quickly went along with him.

"Uh, sir, ma'am. You aren't allowed past this point. It's strictly for staff." The guard stated as they broke their "kiss".

They played it off as being drunk and the guard shrugged it off, and to their surprise, the safeguarded door clicked open, revealing a bunch of women that had been heavily intoxicated. To their surprise, the guard came back around the corner and fired some shots at them, causing Luke to fight him off. The rest of the FBI team closed in on the venue, making the necessary arrests while Y/N helped as many women as she could.

The guard was on the floor after the fight with Luke, but managed to fire one more shot, making Y/N run in front of the targeted woman, taking the shot on her back.


Thanks for reading, more and better coming through next Wednesday! 🫶🏽

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