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Jungkook's pov'

As I looked down my heart broke into a thousand pieces seeing his condition,

Mrs haan : oh my God ( said while covering her mouth)

Then Jin came forward and touched tae's face with a shakey hand,

Jin : w-what does that spirit done to him,( said while crying )

Jimin : I have seen many cases but this - ( he can't even form his words)

Hobi : kook your arm and leg is bleading ,

Jin : kook , how did this happen see how much blood is coming,(said while badly crying, it's difficult for him to hold back his emotions after seeing tae's condition and now jungkook's condition)

Namjoon : I will call the doctor , ( said and call their personal doctor)

Mrs haan : I will show you the guest room let's take him there ,

Jungkook was just standing there quietly with tae in his arms, his blood was dropping on the floor, he was just staring at him , it's like he wasn't even listening anything until,

Yoongi : kook , jungkook ( said while shaking him )

Jk : huh ( looked at yoongi)

Yoongi : let's take him to guest room, appa has already called doctor he is on his way.

Jk : hmm ( said and took tae to guest room)

He laid tae on bed very softly and backend a little and looked at his whole body , his clothes were torn from places and his whole body filled with cuts and bruises , his forehead was bleading , dark circles under his eyes , jungkook closed his eyes and tears started to fall he doesn't even want to imagine what has tae gone through in those two years till now,

Jungkook opened his eyes and bent down to sit beside tae and carse his face oh so softly like touching something some fragile glass if he puts a little pressure he will break,

Jk : my baby *sobs* I am sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry (said sorry repeatedly while crying)

Jungkook cups tae's face and joined their forehead's ,

Jk : sorry for leaving you, sorry for not keeping our promise to always stay t-together * hicup*, s-sorry for coming late, ( said with flowing tears which are now dropping on tae's face)

Every one was standing at the door looking at this everyone became emotional ,

Then Mrs haan comes with the doctor,

?? : Excuse Me , Mr Jeon ( said and tap namjoon shoulder)

Namjoon : ( wiped his tears and turned around) oh dr John please come,

( Dr John is their personal doctor and he also helps in these cases and treats people who were harmed by spirits )

Yoongi : wait doctor , appa ( yoongi said before going towards jungkook)

Yoongi puts his hand on jungkook's shoulder ,

Yoongi : kook , please hold yourself together , the doctor is here for tae's checkup,

Then jungkook backs away so that the doctor can examine tae ,

Dr John : excuse me can everyone please leave the room I have to do some checkups ,

Jk : I am not leaving anywhere, I will stay, ( said in horse voice due to crying long)

Dr John : but Mr Jeon - (cut off)

Namjoon : Dr let him stay , please.

Dr John : but *sighs* fine Mr jeon can stay,

Then everyone left the room except jungkook, he closed the door and the doctor started to treat tae .

Outside the room ....

Jin is continuously crying,

Yoongi : calm down eomma please ( said while rubbing jin's back )

Jin : *sobs* how could I, didn't you see h-his condition ,

Jimin : Mrs Haan can you please bring some water ,

Mrs Haan : yah sure ( said and quickly goes to bring water)

( Well Mrs haan was surely confused by their reaction towards tae but she kept quiet as she knows it's not the right time to ask questions)

Then she comes with water and give it to Jin , but Jin denied it

Hobi : please eomma drink some water you will feel better,

Hobi took the glass from Mrs Haan and bring it close to jin's lips, then Jin drink a little bit of water,

Then namjoon hug Jin and said,

Namjoon : please jinni calm down, it's not the time for breakdown we have to be strong for tae , for jungkook, you seen kook's condition right, he is also suffering seeing his love in this condition, we can't even imagine how much he is in pain , we need to be strong for him.

Jin nodes his head hugging back namjoon, after sometime Jin back away from hug and wiped his tears,

Jin : you are right jooni I can't break down like this I need to be strong for my kook , for tae , ( said in determined tone)

Inside room....

Doctor was treating tae , and attach drip with tae's hand , put stitches on deep cuts and clean his wounds and put medicine on it,

Jungkook was standing there looking at tae without blinking, he seen all cut marks and bruises on tae's body he didn't want to imagine how much that spirit has torture him ,

Doctor inject some medicine in glucose drip ,

Dr : Mr jeon I have done his treatment please you also sit let me treat your wounds also , I have seen your hand and leg is bleading , it isn't good for you,

Jungkook silently noded , then dr John examined him and did his bandage,

Jk :how is he ( said while looking at tae)

Dr John : let me call others then I will tell,
( Said and opened the door and told others to come inside)

Jin : what happen Dr how is he ,

Dr John : his condition is not good, ,his body is very weak , I have inject medicine and attached glucose, if that bottle of glucose is finish then remove the drip , also I have treated his wounds and his recovery will be slow because of two souls in one body , our body made for one soul only that's why there are complications, for now he is sleeping because of medicine, as he gains consciousness call me ,

Namjoon : thanks dr for coming at short notice,

Dr : it's fine, luckily I was here in daegu for some work and you call me,

Then dr John left the house, they are all now in the living room except jungkook, he is with tae.

Mrs Haan : can I ask you guys some questions,

Namjoon : what do you want to know.

Mrs haan : ab... do you all know young master from before, I mean seeing your reactions towards him and Mr jeon -(cut off)

Jin : Mrs Haan we -( cut off by a loud voice)


POSSESSED BY EVIL (taekook)Where stories live. Discover now