Chapter 17

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Christian POV

This guy, Black, hooked her up with this nice beach side house. I wonder why I never met him.

Right now I'm watching her play uno with Jamal, on the floor. He was kicking her ass too.

"Anybody hungry?" Jory walked downstairs holding her stomach.

"Me!" Jamal quickly held his hand up.

"Well too bad cause we ain't got shit." Jory laughed and Laney pushed her.

"Stop playing. I'll get you something to eat." Laney told Jamal as he smiled up at her. She got up and put her hoodie on.

"You can't leave out this house! You already wanted!" Jory said.

"In every state." I added.

"My mom was on tv." Jamal smiled pointing to Laney. Jory laughed.

"Doing what?" Laney asked.

"You were wearing chains and striped pajamas." He said. Laney looked up at me and Jory.

"Want to go buy groceries?" She asked us. Jory and I nodded.

"Yea because you can't leave." Jory said. Laney looked sick in the face.

"Ok." She said softly.

Jory and I walked out the house to this Honda Black had.

"This is a step down from my Benz and BMW." I laughed.

"Well I didn't have a car." Jory giggled.

"Well let me drive before you kill us both." I got in the driver side as she got in the passenger side.

"So how do your parents feel about you chasing my sister?" She asked once we were five minutes into the ride.

"I didn't tell anyone but my twin sister, Lori. I'm sure my parents are hyperventilating at this point." I shrugged.

"When I left my parents to find Laney, they were confused. They wanted to know why I wanted to find Laney." She said.

"They don't care?" I asked. She slowly shook her head and looked up at me.

"They don't care about Laney at all. in their idol daughter." She said.

That's fucked up. Laney made a few mistakes but she still needs her parents. Everyone needs their parents.

Laney POV

I sat on the stairs talking with Jamal. He's like an old soul or something. I feel like I'm talking to someone my age.

"So you killed people?" He raised his eye brows in amazement.

"I'm not proud of it. I like to consider it as..under the influence." I said.

"What's that?" He asked.

"Not in your right mind while you do things." I said. He nodded his head in understanding.





Jamal and I both looked at the phone. Nobody knows I'm here but Black, and I doubt he's calling.

"Who is it?" Jamal asked me. I stood up and looked at the Caller Id. It said unknown.

"Fuck." I said under my breath.

"What's wrong?" Jamal stood up.

"Hello?" I picked the phone up.

"Damn you spooked ain't it?" Black laughed through the phone.

"Damn you scared me." I held my chest in relief.

"I just called to tell you that the toilet on the third floor doesn't work." He said.

"Ma!" Jamal called.

"Damn Mya. You had a child?" Black laughed.

"He's not my child." I whispered into the phone.

"Whatever you say. But call this number back if you need anything." He said before hanging up.

"Mommy I want to sit in your lap." Jamal crawled up in my lap as I sat down. I don't want to be a mom. I'm not mommy material.

Random question:
Favorite superhero?

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