"That does not have anything to do with your consent princess. What you should be consented about is the deal which I am offering you right now." V said with a small smirk playing on his face.

"What deal." Jk said emotionless and defeated.

"I don't like repeating my words but...... I want you to marry me. Marry me and get your company's situation back to its original form. What say petal?" V said now smirking fully.

Jk sat silent as different thoughts started to invade his mind.

'No I can't do that. I promised my hyung to wait for him.'

'But he never came Jungkook.'

'No he will come. I have to wait just a little more...... yeah. There is nothing to worry.'

'Jungkook the man who didn't came for years will come now hah. What a foolish thought. Just accept his offer.'

'No I can't do that.'

'Just think about the company Jungkook. This is the only memory left by appa. You can't leave it like this for a person who you don't know is even alive or not.'

' no I can't betray Taehyungie  huy-'

"Your time is running out Bunny. You have to decide fast." V said

"What will you get by doing all this hah?" Jk asked.

"Nothing. Just there are a lot of leeches trying to stick on my back. Wanna get rid of them." V replied casually.

"U could just spread a rumour that you are married and all you know." Jk replied back.

"Hmm... I can do that bun but than media ,reporters and all that shits to deal with...... I don't like that." V said

"Why to marry than. Can't we just pretend it and not do it for real?"

"Well I can but I have some traitors working under me and I have some personal reasons too." V replied smirking.

Jk signed

"One last question."

"You sure are a curious bunny, aren't you? Speak."

"Why me?"


"Why me out of all when you can have anyone?"

"Why? You don't wanna marry me bun?" V said smirking

"Just tell already!" Jk said blushing and flustered.

"Cause I don't trust anyone rather than you or Yoongi and I definitely can't steal him from his boyfriend, now can I? " V said,  smirking in victory.

'He trusts me'.
Jk felt something within him tingling inside.

"What if I have a partner too Mr.Kim ?"

"No, you don't. "

"And how can you be so sure about it?" Jk said with challenging eyes.

"Mayebe the same way I got to know about your company's situation I guess."

"Now that's invading someone's priva-"

"I didn't came here for this bunny. Choose your decision fast and wisely. We don't have all day to think. Being a CEO sucks you know." V said coming back to the topic.

'No. U can't Jungkook!'

'Yes, you should!'

'What about Taehyung!'

'What about this company Jungkook. Listen to me. Accept it and move on. See its not like you don't love him.'

'But what about Taeh-'

'That was in past and this is present Jungkook. Think about yourself and your appa.'








"I accept your offer Mr. Kim."

'I am only doing this for appa...'


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