Chapter 13

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The next morning, the whole Granger family had planned to go on a shopping spree. One that was every girls' absolute dream. They had plans to go to the wellknown Karlman District, one that was filled with numerous high end boutiques that celebrities and socialites frequently hung around. When Kimberly had caught wind of the news that the family was planning on shopping there, she squealed in joy and jumped around the lobby, attracting stares from passing guests.

¨OH! This is the best day of my life, mummy!! We must wear our best outfits! I cannot wait!¨ In contrast, when Hermione had heard the itinerary from her grandmother, she was taken aback but kept a straight face. She had no idea how wealthy her grandmother was until she found out that Grandmother Eleanor would be paying for expenses during the shopping trip.

¨Oh, but such a stroke of luck! I can drop by the two outlets today at Karlman to check on the inventory and some administrative matters.¨ Hermione thought as she sipped on her morning coffee. Unknown to many people, Hermione had two of her MJM clothing outlets located in the Karlman District. One of which is a flagship store that had recently opened and gained much traction among shoppers and celebrities. Her exclusive clientele and unique pieces made her work close to haute couture fit for fashion shows. Hermione had designed every clothing piece that lands in her stores, none of which falls short of multiple quality checks. In fact, they had made 20 million in revenue with a 65% gross profit margin just being open for only a year and a half. To say that business was booming would be an understatement.

Draco's car and broomstick business had flourished as well, ironically earning its place next to Hermione's MJM flagship store after 10 years. Beside Hermione's store was Draco's car dealership, as well as a flagship store for racing broomsticks of all kinds, only accessible to members of the wizarding community, of course.

As the Granger family arrived at the junction of the Karlman District, Kimberly had already started rambling on about what stores she wished to visit. ¨Grandmother~~~ Can we visit MJM first?? All their clothes have been trending right now and just yesterday, Selena Gomez wore one of their pieces to her concert yesterday!!¨ (pretend its true TT)

To pacify her granddaughter and to stop her whining, Grandmother Eleanor agreed and the ladies proceeded towards Hermione's store. As Hermione heard what she had said, she inwardly groaned but convinced herself that it was now easier to sneak away to deal with her business matters. As they stepped foot into the store, they were greeted by 2 store assistants stationed at the door.

¨Hello! Welcome to MJM.¨ the store assistants chirped in unison as they bowed and ushered the ladies of the Granger family in. As Hermione's face became more distinguishable, store assistants in the store raised their eyebrows in shock and glanced at each other. Having no prior notice of the owner dropping by, they had made no preparations at all. Anna, the head manager of the store was the first to realise and promptly greeted Hermione and Draco.

¨Good morning, Mr and Mrs Malfoy. Let us take your bags, the VIP room and office is this way. We can bring your family to the second floor. ¨ Hermione smiled and greeted Anna, ¨Good morning. Can you bring me the files for the summer drop next season, as well as the schedule for the upcoming month? Thank you!¨ Anna nodded and bowed, immediately going to find the files her CEO wanted. Draco, who had just received a call 10 minutes ago kissed Hermione's cheek and whispered in her ear, ¨Im going next door to the dealership. I have to wrap up some deals with my client. See you later. ¨ Hermione nodded and bid goodbye to Draco as he left the store.

Aunt Isabelle and Kimberly who was within earshot had heard what Anna had said and immediately interrogated Hermione. ¨What did that woman say? Why is treating you like you are the owner?¨ Aunt Isabelle asked as Kimberly screeched, ¨I want to go to the VIP room too!! Why do you get to go?? MOMMM, it's not fairrr.¨ Hermione rolled her eyes as everyone in her family turned to look at her. ¨I AM the owner. You are standing on my property under my name right now.¨

Hearing that, every single Granger family member's jaws dropped to the ground. Aunt Isabelle scoffed indignantly rebutting, ¨That's stupid. MJM doesnt belong to you, it's not even your name. Plus, you barely have any creativity, being such a pushover and rigid 'perfect' student, ever since Primary school. Especially when you went to that boarding school. What's its name? Oh, some ridiculous school called 'Hogwarts'.¨ Hermione crossed her arms, replying, ¨MJM stands for Mione Jane Malfoy and I own the entire chain of stores, especially the one you are standing in right now. Also, Hogwarts school is the best of its kind. It doesnt mean that you are uneducated about such knowledge means that I am not. Oh, and for your own information, dearest auntie, I could say that the value of one of my pieces alone is worth more than your entire outfit, fake birkin and diamonds all.¨
Aunt Isabelle seethed furiously as Hermione humiliated her in front of the entire family and ironically, the store employees. After a prolonged silent pause, Grandmother Eleanor suddenly exclaimed happily, ¨Oh, Hermione, you successful businesswoman! I'm so proud of you, honey! I'm sure your parents would be too! Joseph! Keep your wife in check, today is such a beautiful day, let's go in to look at the clothes. Come! I also promised to buy Kate a wedding dress today.¨

Author's note: Hello! Here's another update! I really liked this one so i hope you do too. Please vote and follow me as well! Hopefully I am able to publish another chapter soon :)

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