Chapter 11

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¨We don't need to answer to you, especially when you marched into private property so rudely.¨ Draco scoffed in indignation as Molly Weasley looked as though she was about to give them a piece of her mind. piece of her mind. Ginny, on the other hand, side eyed Draco and wrapped a long taloned hand around his wrist, batting her eyelashes, out of her husband's line of view. Disgusted, Draco tore Ginny's hand off his wrist and a flaring red arose on his cheeks. "What are you doing, you crazy woman? Get your hands off of me"

Molly Weasley, who had no idea what Ginny had done, found the motherly instincts to protect her youngest child. "Who are you calling crazy, Malfoy? You're the insane one for marrying a mudblood who is a whore and cheats on her fiancé a week before their wedding. I can't believe you are the person I let my Ronnie almost marry." Unfortunately for Hermione, the Granger family was within earshot and heard what Molly had said. Especially Kimberly.
¨Ooh, what's that I hear, my dear cousin? A cheater and a slut? How very not surprising! You act just like your parents.¨ Kimberly gushed, her voice dripping with sarcasm. Spotting the growing tension, Harry gripped his wife's shoulders and tried to guide her away from the conflict with Ginny actively resisting his actions. Hermione, who had kept quiet up until this moment flared up and finally lost her temper. A harsh slap landed on Kimberly's cheek, a faint outline of a palm starting to bloom on her red cheeks. ¨Shut your mouth, Kimberly. You know nothing about me and my life. If you want to insult me, do not insult my parents. Or I will very well make you regret it¨ Draco sensed his wifes' fiery temper flare up more than usual due to the touchy subject about her parents who had died when Voldemort had death eaters sent to kill them. Everybody, even Ron, Ginny and Harry knew that was a subject no one should talk about or even get close to.

Hermione continued, facing the Weasleys and Potters, ¨Leave before I call security here for trespassing on private property. Don't forget who is paying for your stay at this hotel.¨ Ginny huffed and with Harry tugging on her arm, the Potters and Weasleys strutted away. However, the crisis was not at all diverted yet. Kimberly was still standing there, her cheek flaming red but indignant and unwilling to budge from her position. Uncle Joseph stood domineeringly at a height of 178 cm beside his daughter looking indignant as well.

As the Weasleys and Potters left, Uncle Joseph fake-coughed to get Hermione's attention. ¨Ahem! Hermione, shouldn't you say sorry to Kimberly for embarrassing her in front of so many people?¨ Uncle Joseph commanded in a cold voice, staring directly at Hermione. Draco, who noticed the domineering exchange between Uncle Joseph and his wife, stepped in front of him, looking down at Uncle Joseph. Draco, who grew to a decent height of 186 cm after puberty now towered over Uncle Joseph.

¨Joseph, I don't think we've properly introduced ourselves. I'm Draco Malfoy, Hermione's husband. I don't think Hermione should apologise to your spoilt brat of a daughter. She actively insulted and demeaned her first. Forcing my wife to apologise to such a spoilt and sheltered brat sounds like an insult. If you insult Hermione, you insult me.¨ Draco sneered, staring coldly back at Uncle Joseph, whose gaze seemed to falter under Draco's intense stare.

However, Uncle Joseph was not going to back down that easily. He had an ego to protect. ¨That Granger girl hurt and caused MY daughter to embarrass herself. Kimberly DESERVES an apology, and, so what she insulted the Granger girl. It was all facts.¨ Uncle Joseph spat. Absolutely enraged by his words, Draco was about to give the man in front of him a piece of his mind before Hermione grabbed his arm tightly and pulled him back.

¨Stop it, Draco,¨ Hermione hissed before turning to her Uncle saying, ¨ Uncle Joseph, enough. I will not apologise nor will I condone any violence or aggression in MY hotel. I suggest we go back to doing what we were originally supposed to do.¨

With that, Hermione turned on her heel and swiftly dragged her husband away muttering under her breath about men and small minds. After Hermione and Draco had left, Uncle Joseph huffed in anger as Kimberly pouted with crocodile tears still in her eyes. Aunt Isabelle, however, had noticed Hermione's little slip up. ¨Her hotel? What does she mean?¨ Aunt Isabelle mumbled in confusion with furrowed brows.

Authors note: Hey guys! I know I said I would update soon but I was on a vacation and had no wifi. (y'all should really check out singapore, its extremely pretty) <3

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