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After Ranrok and Victor Rookwood's demise, I've recently been spending most of my time in the room of requirement. As a gift for my tiring efforts, the room presented me with a comfortable bedroom to sleep in the moment I walked in after my seemingly endless battle. 

After this, I never stepped a foot outside the room of requirement since it had everything I needed. The only thing I've been wanting to do is wind down and ignore everyone- though I always felt a bit guilty thinking of my friends.

One morning when I was feeling a bit bored the room presented me with a large art studio crammed with canvases and paints, it was like a dream. 

I was snoozing on a comfortable couch when the loud unpleasant screech of an owl awoke me. I was greeted with a feathered face a scroll of parchment paper rolled and tucked in the bird's beak. "Bloody hell" I grumbled. I wriggled the scroll from the owl's mouth earning a bite on my finger in retaliation.

It screeched once more respectively flying away to greet my snowy owl on her perch. I glared at the tawny owl opening the scroll and frowning at the handwriting. Only one person wrote so neatly and formally, and that person just happened to be the one I was madly in love with. 

Dear love of my life,

Where are you?


I smiled at the letter though it seemed rushed, had he been panicking? I got up from the couch grabbing a spare piece of parchment paper and quickly wrote down to meet me at the astronomy tower.

I rolled the paper up and sent the biting pigeon on his way. For the first time in 7 days, I stepped out of the room of requirement heading up the stairs to reach the top of the astronomy tower. I wrung my hands nervously, the wind ruffled my hair biting at my exposed arms.

While waiting I leaned on the stone railing of the tower watching the sunset before my eyes. Minutes passed by until I heard footsteps climbing the tower, I smiled to myself when who I expected to be Sebastian reached the top.

"Been a while" Sebastian said softly. I looked over my shoulder with a weak smile nodding. "I want to show you something" I replied my voice nearly a whisper. I approached him grabbing his hand and leading him down the steps.

He looked confused when I halted in front of a blank wall, he chuckled when the room of requirements doors appeared on the wall. "So this is where you've been? Hiding in the room of requirement?" he smirked. "You know me so well" I teased, I leaned forward kissing his cheek. 

Once the two of us entered the room Sebastian blinked in surprise. "It's like a palace in here," he said in awe admiring the architecture of the enormous room. "I have beast sanctuaries, a bedroom, an art room, a library, and of course the main room," I counted off my fingers. "Is the bedroom soundproof?" he suggested. I gasped looking at him in surprise, I released his hand to smack his chest in disapproval. "The hell is wrong with you" I laughed. "Just asking" he held his hands up in mocking defense.

10 minutes later I was dipping my brush into paint swiftly wiping the color on the canvas in front of me. I stood in the center of the room while Sebastian was sitting on a couch not far from me reading a book on spells every now and then stealing glances of me. 

I hummed to myself trying my absolute best to replicate the cuddly face and body of a niffler. My brush strokes faltered when warm hands wrapped lazily around my waist. Soft lips kissed my neck nibbling needily at the exposed skin. 

I waved him away to my own displeasure, the Slythrien boy whined in frustration, I laughed shaking my head. "Don't you have a book to read, love?" I teased pointing my paintbrush at the abandoned book sitting alone on the couch. 

"Am I not allowed to love you?" he grumbled dejectedly. "You can love me physically after reading all 400 hundred pages of that book first" I grinned. "You drive me mad you know that" he huffed plopping back onto the couch and opening the book once again. 

"Could same for you" I smirked. 

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