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(Please do not proceed if you are uncomfortable with depictions of torture or violence)

"Maybe we should reconsider this," Sebastian suggested uncertainty and hesitation clear in his voice. The current situation the trio had found themselves in was dire; trapped within an enclosed chamber deep beneath the twisted secret passages of Hogwarts. The room was suffocating, smelling of mold and musk.

Your hands wrung together nervously, the choice you were about to make was an important one. You, Ominis, and Sebastian had gotten yourselves in a pickle during an attempt to find Salazar Slythrien's ancient scriptorium (it had been Sebastian's idea).

You were so close, so close to the hidden secrets in the confines of the lair that you could almost smell the oddly delightful decay of worn books and molding parchment. You glanced toward Ominis, he was pacing the chamber his hands tugging at his usually neat, blonde strands of hair. Ominis warned Sebastian to stay away, he had warned you to stay away; you should have listened to his pleas.

Meanwhile, Sebastian stood at your side his hands trembling as he gripped his wooden wand; the fear in his eyes was not unseeable. Finally, after a brief moment of silence, you responded, your voice hoarse and shaky "What other choice do we have? It's the only way we're getting out of here."

Sebastian's lips pursed as he took an uncertain step back "Maybe you could just cast Crucio on me instead?" "No, Sebastian I'm not going to do that to you" You quickly countered, your hands balling into fists expecting the stinging pain of the unforgivable curse. Sebastian glanced over to the sealed stone door, above it "crucio" was smeared on the stone with dry blood that smelled of iron. 

"Stop stalling and curse me already!" You shouted, your nerves were getting the best of you. His attention fell on your tense form once more. Sebastian took in a deep breath, raising his wand and pointing it straight at you. You could feel your throat close up and your heart rate begins to quicken, the familiar pounding of fear ringing throughout your skull.

"I'm sorry" Sebastian apologized briefly, his voice trembling with the notion of future regret. Before you could have even responded there was a shout and a quick flash of blinding light. The curse had hit you hard; before you knew it you were on the cold damp floor screaming. The pain was unimaginable, it came in hot waves piercing through every soft organ in your body. 

The curse split through your bones tearing them apart, and the aching and excruciating feeling of your skull being torn wide open overtook your shaking and writhing form on the floor. Your hands clutched desperately at your head as you cried, the only thing you could focus on was the cool feeling of your tears rolling down your pale cheeks. 

The pain slowly began to dull and your breathing eventually evened out, but that couldn't stop the quiver in your body. The next thing you felt was gentle hands guiding you to your feet before that feeling disappeared as well. 

"How are you feeling?" Sebastian asked, his dark eyes locked onto yours. "Like I want to punch you in the face" You replied shakily, trying to keep the mood light.

 Sebastian fought the smile that threatened to crease his face, he reached out to give you a brief hug before the two of you separated once more. Ominis on the other hand had his hand on your shoulder, concern etched onto his face worried about your wellbeing. The difference between the two boys was almost comical. Sebastian had always been hesitant to give affection whilst Ominis was hesitant to receive it. 

Ominis was the first to hear it, his head snapped to the scriptorium door as the stone door began to tremble and shake. "It's opening" he called out causing the two of your heads to turn toward the door. Excitement sparked in your chest, the three of you had done it and most importantly you had lived to tell the tale. 


Well isn't this a surprise? I'm rewriting the cringe-fest because I quite literally have nothing better to do. To any of you new readers or re-readers, if my writing gets bad (not that it already isn't) but if it gets worse it's likely because it has not been re-written yet. 

Anywho enjoy whatever my younger self's mind came up 

- Your loyal Author 

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