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How come you always find yourself in these situations? You're on the ground, panting like a dog, clutching at your side as it throbs with pain. You had been wishing for a normal year at Hogwarts, but at this point, it seemed virtually impossible.

A loud shout, no, a scream broke through your foggy mind, your eyes darting up, watching as your dear friend's uncle shoved him out of the way, knocking Sebastian back. Now it was coming back to you; Sebastian had cast an unforgivable curse, the worst of them all, to save his sister. What a mess this has become.

A shaky breath passed your lips as you grunted, standing on shaky legs that threatened to give out with every step. With a soft breath, you gripped Sebastian's shoulder, pulling him back from the outraged man. "What did you do to her!?" Solomen shouted, his face red with rage as he helped Anne up, his arm wound tightly around the frail girl's frame.

Sebastian stood stock-still, his breathing slow and his eyes wide, staring at the dead goblin only a few meters away. You could see his hands shaking, his mind running, trying to process what he had just done. "Where did you learn that spell, boy!?" Solomen shouted, his cold, dark eyes locked onto the mess that was Sebastian Sallow. It was evident that Sebastian was losing himself in the fight to save his sister, and there was no stopping the force that made Sebastian who he was: an irritable, stubborn mule.

There was silence for a moment; the only thing that could be heard were Anne's shaky sobs. It was like the whole world had stopped and stood still. A brief flash of realization took over Solomen's face, his stubbled jaw tightening. "It was that book, wasn't it?" Solomen said slowly, the calmness that took over his voice frightening. "What have I told you about dark magic, Sebastian?"

Under your hand, you could feel Sebastian's body tense, could feel the anger coiling underneath his pale skin. "What did you expect me to do!? That goblin could've killed her!" The brunette snapped, pulling forward with such force you almost toppled right over your own feet."Sebastian," you called out, your voice smooth as your hand tugged him right back, preventing him from taking any further steps toward his uncle. "I could've lost her! She could've died!" Sebastian shouted, his clammy hands balling into fists.

"You don't know when to quit, do you!?" Solomen growled, his voice deep and laced with unreleased rage. "You just stay away from Anne; you're dangerous," he spat cruelly. Sebastian froze, his body going rigid as he let out a shaky breath. "You're disowning me?" Sebastian said, his voice quivering despite his best attempts to keep a brave face.

"Whatever it takes to protect my family," Solomen said, while helping Anne properly to her feet and directing the ill girl inside. Your eyes turned back to Sebastian, frozen in place just staring at the ground endlessly. You reached out to touch his forearm gently, but he yanked it away from you, the unmistakable rage burning in his green eyes. "Don't touch me."

You took a deep breath in, trying to not let it get to you. He was hurt, and it was probably best not to try to comfort him physically right now; after all, he'd just been through a lot of emotional pain. "I know a place, come on," you replied, waving your hand for him to follow.There was doubtful hesitance in his eyes, yet he followed you. What was there to lose anyway? After a long walk in silence, the two of you paused just outside the Forbidden Forest, Sebastian's eyes scanning over the deep enchanted woods, recognizing the way the trees hummed with enchantments.

"Why are we here?" Sebastian asked, his voice nearly a whisper. "You'll see."You led him further into the woods, listening to the call of a hippogriff cluck nearby. Branches snapped under your feet as you pushed past a prickly bush, earning a few scrapes along the way, but the view was worth it.

Ahead of you was a large lake, the peaceful hum of a toad croaking and chirping as the water's surface sparkled, reflecting the sun that just barely shone through the thicket of trees. Sebastian came to stand beside you, his eyes softening at the serene sight, a pale unicorn on the opposite side of the lake with its long neck bent downward so it could drink the cold water.

"This is beautiful," Sebastian murmured, stepping closer and finding a spot to sit at the water's edge. You followed closely behind, sitting down beside him, letting your head rest on his shoulder. "I know."

{Author's note}

The old version of this chapter was... well terrible and this version probably isn't better. Hope you're having fun sitting through this very uhm odd imagines book and considering i haven't updated other chapters yet it only gets worse from here. 

- You're very scared author 

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