Chapter 12 - Lucy - ❤️

Start from the beginning

"So how was the blonde."

I spit out I wanted to be petty but it came out a lot heavier then I intended. Deans face went pale at my words and guilt flooded his body. He didn't respond so I kept talking

"I saw you leave with her... I could care less." (Knowing I cared a lot probably too much.)
"I just don't understand why you refuse to talk to me?"

His face was still pale and cold, I was starting to get more frustrated because he still would not respond. I gave up sparing myself the anger and hurt and I refocused on the spell at hand. I was nearly finished when demons burst through the door 3 of them. I jumped up from my position, Dean lunged at 2 of them knocking them over. I throw my demon killing blade at the 3rd the blade digging into his head killing him. Dean struggled with the other 2 but got them. Cass and Sam run into the room beat up and out of breath.

"Y/n is the spell done, he's on his way here." Sam ask frantically.

"Yes Sam, I'm almost finished with it I need a few more minutes."

"You may not have that."

There was a banging on the door, and then a voice.

"Y/n ....I can smell you...just like I could smell your brother...oh I'm sorry touchy subject??" Lucifer said with a evil chuckle.

It was him I had not heard his voice in years but it was him

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It was him I had not heard his voice in years but it was him. I was caught in anger in a trance of red. I stood up forgetting about the spell I wanted to kill him I wanted to watch it happen. I could here the faint sounds of Sam, Dean and Cass yelling at me telling me to stop. But I wasn't listening I didn't care, I've waited forever for this moment, he killed my brother, he made my dad leave me, the rage inside me was too much. I could feel my powers rising. I let out a scream blasting the door open and Lucifer over. I lunge at him slicing his abdomen with my blade. He didn't like this and flicked his wrist flying me across the room into a wall. I fell hard. My head was bleeding. Sam Dean and Cass lunged for him trying to hold him off, I was snapped out of my trance, I  needed to complete the spell. I slowly crawl my sore bleeding Body to the basin of items. I take out my demon blade and cut my hand open dripping my blood into the basin I chant the words of the spell. It was too late by the time Lucifer realized what I was doing. Chains began coming up from the ground latching themselves onto his body to pull him back to hell. But before he was completely gone he managed to flick his wrist one last time sending me back into the wall harder than last time. My eyes began to darken as I watched Lucifer scream as he was taken away. The last thing I heard was Dean yell for me. And then I was out cold.

Deans pov


Lucifer threw y/n into the wall before he was taken away back to hell, I was hot with shock as I look at her hurt and bloody body. I hated myself.  I rushed over to her. Picking her head up onto my lap. What have I done. Sam has a look of fear and worry,  Cass comes over and try's to heal her but it only works so far.

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