Chapter 6 - The start of Something - ❤️‍🔥

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Journal entry #456
- It has been a month or two. I lost count. It's hard to keep track when your underground. We have had no sign of Lucifer or the hellhound we are supposed to track for Crowley. Two months of dead ends moral is very low. Hopefully Sam can pick up on his trail again.

Dad(cass) has been in and out more than I've seen him since the accident. I still haven't forgave him for leaving me. But it was good to see him around.

On another side Dean is rather distant with me. Ever since that night in the kitchen he tends to keep his distance. However every time I see him my body jumpstarts. The other day I accidentally walked in on Dean taking a shower. He didn't hear or see me but I saw him. Water dipping off his shoulder blades. His muscles glistening. I about drowned in my own drool. The butterflies in my stomach show up every time he does.

However I'm pretty sure the feelings are not mutual. Maybe a few glances here and there but nothing crazy. He flirts and makes his sly lusty jokes but that's just him. Either way me and the boys have begun to get close.

Sam has turned into my best friend. We have movie nights and go on runs together. We even pranked Dean the other night. He was so pissed. Dean and I have gotten close but every time we are in the same room alone for too long he gets awkward. But the night I had my nightmare and he found me crying in my sleep I confided in him. I told him about Jameson. I have not told anyone about that night, even Sam. But since then nothing. Anyways that's all for now.

"Y/n , come down here!"

I hop off my bed and stash my journal away. I quickly get dressed. Throwing on what ever was clean. I grab my belt with my gun and fancy demon killing hand knifes and drape it over my waist. I slip on my shoes and tie my hair back and head out towards the library.

As I enter the room I see Sam and Dean standing by the table and cass sitting in a chair

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As I enter the room I see Sam and Dean standing by the table and cass sitting in a chair. Dean makes eye contact with me and gives me a smile. Pink kiss my checks as I smile back. He must have noticed my cheeks because he gave me a little wink, making more pink flood to my cheeks. He liked teasing me.

"Y/n I think we have a lead."

Sam hands me the computer. It read
"Animal attack, cougar tears apart family"

"Kinda odd for a wild animal to attack a single family."

"That's what we thought... it's got to be the hell hound, it killed everyone except one person. The mother."

"Odd." I respond.

"So what's the move?" Dean interjected

"Well we go get it duh." Sam replied rolling his eyes.

"We can't all go, Sam you stay here and keep searching for more leads. y/n and I can go get it cass you need to keep searching for Lucifer. If we find anything worth anything we will give you a call." Dean said.

With that dad disappeared.

"Well that was easy."

"Y/n you riding with me or taking your bike?"

"I guess I'll ride with you."
After packing our bags we had them to Sam who heads out to the car to pack them for us. Dean and I still in the library. I was reading more up on the case when I notice Dean staring at me.

I tried to pretend I didn't see him but it became hard when he began to bite his lip

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I tried to pretend I didn't see him but it became hard when he began to bite his lip. He was checking me out. Red began to flood my cheeks I try to burry my face in the computer hoping he didn't see. But I knew he did when I heard his little chuckle.

"What's the matter y/n? Don't like being looked at?"

I didn't respond I kept my face in the computer. Knowing if I looked up my face would be beat red. Dead took this as permission to keep going. Make his way out of his chair. He walked towards me. My heart racing faster and faster with each step he took. In a few strides he was standing behind me. He towered over me. He began to lean down, he reached forward and placed his hands on the arms of the Seat I was in. His body was so close to mine I could feel his breathing on the back of my neck. He lowered his head closer to mine. His lips brushed my ear, I didn't flinch but my body jumped inside with excitement. He was breathing heavy now.

"What ya reading?"

He said in a deeper than normal, seductive voice. My heart skipped a beat.

"S-stuff a-about the the case." I stammered out.

He chuckled in my ear causing me to close my eyes begging myself not to turn around and kiss him. But in a split second the heat that was once on me vanished I opened my eyes and he was heading back to his seat in-front of me. I look up meeting his eyes. They were filled with lust. All he had was a smirk on his face. I could feel that my face was still red. I look toward the garage and see Sam walking back into the room.

"That must be why he backed off, if Sam didn't come back when he did... what would have happened?"

" everything okay?"

" yes" I quickly respond

"Ready to go?"

"Yup" Dean says before taking the last sip of his beer and smiling at me, winking.

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