Chapter 12 - Lucy - ❤️

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It has been about a week since the last hunt and Dean showing me I mean nothing and what he said meant nothing. it was now clear to me. I began to count the days until we catch Lucifer and put him back so I can leave this bunker and never look back. I wake up once again sad, jealous and angry. It had been growing more and more each day. Only this time Sam knocked on my door.

"Come in."

"Good morning y/n I have some good news"

"What is it?"

"We found Lucifer and we have a plan to put him back in the cage."

My eyes lit up finally hope.

"When do we leave?"
I say springing out of bed.

"2 hours."

"I'll be ready."

With that Sam walks out of the room and I begin to pack my things and get dressed.

2 hours go by and I head out the door to my bike

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

2 hours go by and I head out the door to my bike. At the last minute I changed my mind. Since Dean decided to be a dick I wanted our last hunt/ moments together to be as un comfy as possible to him. I threw my bag in the back of his car and climbed in. I could see his face in the review mirror a look of shock and worry on his face.

"No bike this time?"

"No Dean no bike"

With that he give me a half forced smile and starts up the car. We drive to the middle of know where town. Population 2,000. We had to work quick if we wanted to catch him. So no stopping for food no hotels. I was the bait Lucifer wanted me because of what I am, Sam didn't like the idea but knew it was the only way. We head to the coordinates Sam had discovered with the help of cass and Crowley. As we make our way out of the car cass flys in.

"Y/n what are you doing here?"

"Dad...I'm the bait you guys can't catch him or send him back without me."

"I'm not going to lose you like I lost your brother Jameson!"

"Dad it will be okay I promise, I'm stronger now then I was back then I can do this."

Cass shook his head and turned to the boys.

"You two protect her, keep her safe so she can do the spell."

The boys nod their head. Sam seemed nervous and Dean he looked guilty. What was going on. Anyways we geared up and headed into the building. We had to make our way in fighting off a few demons. Nothing too crazy but he knew we were there. I make it to an empty room and begin pulling items out of my bag, items for a spell. We were going to send him back into the cage. Sam, Cass and Crowley were going to hold Lucifer off while I did the spell and Dean stood guard. Since it was going to take me time to set the spell up and I was finally in a room alone with Dean after weeks of silent treatment and anger I decided nows the best time to confront him.

Supernatural Dean x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن