Chapter 1 - First encounter

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My chest was heavy, and sweat dripped off my forehead. I look behind me and see the monster gaining. My feet dig into the wet muddy forest floor. Snapping my head forward I try to pick up my pace. I fail. It was now our never. I stop in my tracks almost stumbling. As I find my footing the monster is about to pounce. It leaps toward me with a deep growl. I jumped out of the way falling to the ground. My knees and hands covered in muddy pine needles. I needed to react quickly. I grab the machete I dropped on the ground spring onto the monster chopping its head off once and for all. As my body starts to relax I feel the warm sticky ooze of my blood dripping down my arm.

"I must have cut it on the blade when I fell to the ground. God, it hurts."

I grab my arm putting pressure on the wound. I suck in the cold forest air and let it out with a deep huff. I begin to trace back my steps and find the gun I had dropped in my run from the monster. I stuffed it back in its holster, still gripping my arm. I rip the fabric from my black t-shirt and wrap it around my wound. I wince from the pain as I tighten it to stop the bleeding. I turn down the path from where I came and head back to the parking lot.

As I round the corner I can see my motorcycle safely where I had left it. Its black and chrome body shimmering in whatever sun was leftover from the day.

I hop on start her up and ride off toward town

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

I hop on start her up and ride off toward town. By the time I made it into town it was dark out and began to lightly drizzle. I made my way back to the motel I  was staying at. As I pull in I notice a 1967, black, Chevy Impala.

"What a beautiful car."

I decided to park next to it casually inspecting the car. Deciding I approve of the car I pat my bike before getting off. As I began fumbling around for my room key the door to the room next to mine opened. Two men walk out. One was tall with long hair brown hair, he was cute and had broad shoulders. He seemed to be frowning at the other man. The other man was tall but not as tall as the other and seemed to be angry, he had sandy hair and looked muscular and chiseled. The tall one flashed a smile in my direction. Realizing I was staring a bit too hard a flush of red ran to my cheeks. I nod my head in return, turning away to distract myself. Through my peripheral vision, I watch as they enter the impala. Being the great listener I am I overhear them talking about a vamp test. In fact the one I just dismembered.


Before they pull off I knock on the passenger window. As the tall one rolls it down I begin to speak.

"Hey, I know this is weird and sorry to bother but I couldn't help but overhear you are looking for a vamp nest."

"Umm...yea...your a hunter?" He asked surprised and confused

"I am and I hate to tell you but there is no vamp nest...not anymore anyways." I say with a sly smile.

"How? we just got to town? There were sightings just last night." He questioned.

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