Chapter Twenty-Seven - Arrivals and Adaptation

Start from the beginning

"Pidge never gave up on finding you,", Shiro told the younger boy with a smile as they pulled away. Matt, glancing back at his sister, smiled.

"Yeah, she can be pretty stubborn at times,", she simply grinned back at him, unbelievably happy to give her brother back.

"Don't we know it,", you giggled quietly, nudging Pidge's shoulder. Giving a playful scowl, she flicked your forehead and then turned her attention back to the two males in front of her, you following suit.

"And I want you to know that all of us will help you find your father,", Shiro reassured, looking down at his long-lost crewmate.

"Thanks,", Matt replied.

"Matt,", Pidge spoke up, waiting until her brother turned his head around to look at her before pointing to the large, Altean spacecraft to speak again. "This is the Castle of Lions,", following her line of sight, he looked up, completely mesmerised by the sheer beauty of it.

"Woah. Nice ship,", he commented.

"Let me take you on a tour,", she chirped, giving him no choice as she grabbed his hand and dragged him away, the male gasping in surprise as his little sister pulled him into a sort of run toward the entrance of the ship. Lance, arms crossed over his chest and pouting, took a few steps forward, giving a small grunt as he watched them walk off. Laughing, you rubbed his shoulder, happy to see your friend back and with her brother once again.


"This is where all the magic happens,", Pidge announces, bringing Matt into the control room.

"Woah! Impressive!", he says, following his little sister around and watching in admiration as she showed him things.

"This is where I sit,", she puts an arm around the back of her chair as he bends down, leaning a little closer.


"And this opens up, and there's a zipline that takes me to a speeder, and that loads up into my lion,", she shows him the tunnel. "And this is where Allura stands,", she stands in the middle, "And these little glowy pillars rise up, and then she uses Altean magic that links her to that crystal,", she points up, "and the crystal powers the ship and then she uses this thing called a teludav to create wormholes!", she runs off once more, dragging him by his arm as he screamed.

"This is our training room. It has invisible walls, and you can fight robots like y/n's doing right now!", she announces, showing him the big, white room as you fight, catching you off guard slightly. "This is our cow,", she shows him Kaltenecker, making him point and furrow his brows in confusion.

"How did you get a-- woah!", he didn't get to finish his sentence, his sister pulling him away once more.

"This is our kitchen. Here's where the food goo comes out,", she grabs the nozzle and shoots it at him, making him grunt as he eats the weird, green substance. Chewing a bit, he ignores the food goo on his face, smiling as he swallows.

"Hey, this is pretty goo...d. Mmm!", he hums, licking a bit off of his finger. She continues showing him around the castle, even showing him her obstacle course of a room, and he followed her, admiring the person his little sister had grown up to be, even if he wasn't there to watch it.

"And this,", she flopped down on the sofa, "is the lounge," she concluded her tour. "You know, where we just hang. Just Voltron paladins hanging out,", he joined her in sitting down just as the doors opened, revealing Hunk.

"Hey hey!", he chirped, bringing in a tray with two cups. "I brought celebratory milkshakes for you two!", he walked further into the room, passing one to each of them. "Just a little welcome gift for Matt from me and Kaltenecker. No big deal,", he sat next to Matt on the sofa. "Fun fact about Alteans. They don't get brain freeze. Coran and Allura just totally hoovered up their milkshakes in one slurp,", he chuckled. "Uh... I've never seen anything like it before,"

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