08: I guess I have to face my problems.

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The next morning, I shower and bandage my feet. I comb my hair and put on the same clothes as yesterday. During that time, I came up with a plan to make everything right.

I dialled Megamind's phone number into the phone in the hall. It rang for a few seconds, then I heard a familiar voice.


I swallow. My mouth was suddenly dry.

"Is anyone there?" He sounds half asleep.

"Hey." I say, clearing my throat.

"Jenna? Is that you? Are you alright? Jesus Christ I'm-"

"Please stop talking."

There was silence for a couple seconds.

"Meet me at the bakery opposite of that cafe I got hit by a car in, 11 sharp." I say.

"Okay, why-?"

I hang up. I walked downstairs to see Hal sipping at a cup of coffee while reading the newspaper.

"Thank you so much for letting me stay, Hal, you're a lifesaver. I'm going to go now."

He looks up at me.

"With no shoes?"

"I don't really have any with me right now. Where I'm going isn't very far anyway. I'll be fine." I put my coat on.

"Alright. I left my number on an envelope on the kitchen counter if you want it, I'll be worrying about you. Also, I can give you a lift there if you need me to, I heard shouting last night and turns out a drunk fool smashed glass all over the sidewalk."


He shrugs and puts the newspaper down.

"Come on then. Where are we off to?" He grabs his keys and opens the door.

"Gregory's bakery, the street next to that fancy jewellery store that always gets robbed."

He ushers me through the door, and as I'm walking through he puts his hand around my waste. I slap it away and walk slightly faster ahead of him.

We arrive at the bakery in 10 minutes. Megamind is standing outside, looking around him cautiously. He looks like a wreck. I feel bad.

Hal sees him and turns pale.

"Is this the guy?" Hal points at Megamind.

"Yeah. Thanks for driving me here but I really have to talk to him."

Hal tenses up. I try to open the door but it's locked.

"What the-"

"You're not getting out." He says.

"Why not??? Let me out." I bang on the door.

"He's a terrible guy. I'm better than him. Jenna, please." He leans over to touch my face but I push him away.

"Open the door!!" I yell at him.

By now, Megamind, who was standing only a few metres away, had noticed the banging and had came running towards the car. He also struggled to open the door.

I leaned over Hal and pressed the child lock on his door, and tumbled out of the car. Megamind was fuming. He grabbed Hal by the neck and dragged him onto the sidewalk.

"MEGAMIND?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING" I yell at him, Megamind begins to punch Hal while screaming in distinct words.

I tear Megamind off of him. He's panting, and looks pissed. Hal looks terrified, he scrambles back into his car, his nose bleeding, and drives off.

Megamind turns and opens his mouth to say something to me, but I fling my arms around him and pull him into a tight hug. Before I know it, I'm sobbing. All I can do is apologise over and over for being a stupid person and reacting badly. Megamind puts his arms around me and pats me on the back.

"It's okay, it's okay. I'm sorry." He says while making shushing sounds. I hiccup and wipe my eyes.

We make eye contact, and before I even know what I'm doing, I kiss him. I wrap my arms around his neck and he pulls me closer. I feel safe with him. I pull away and rest my head against his chest.

"I'm sorry." I say. "I was unfair. I freaked out. I didn't know how to react. It's not that I don't love you, I have since the moment I first saw you, it was just so sudden. And I'm so.. I'm so fucking sorry."

He's quiet, but takes my hand and squeezes it. Somehow, I know that it's all okay. Maybe I didn't majorly fuck everything up after all.

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